Akaashi Keiji Ending

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THATS RIGHT IM MAKING THE ENDINGS NOW even after I finish all of them there is a large chance I'll still continue this

"I made some miso soup, you want some Akaashi?"

You could see him nod behind the book he was reading. Well he wasn't really reading it. He had made the executive decision to finally ask you out today, and was trying to figure out the right way to do it.

You placed the bowl in front of him, and while he was drinking it, he thought of an idea, which he promptly executed.

"I want to have your miso soup everyday,"

You stopped in your tracks for a moment, then turned to give him a smile,
"Thanks! But it's instant miso, so I can't take too much credit,"

You didn't realize what he was trying to say, and suddenly he felt like confessing would be very difficult.

The two of you walked along the street, and decided to rest on a bench.

"Hey (f/n)...,"

"Yes Akaashi?"

You stared deep into his eyes, and he could feel his resolve dissolve.

"Uh... nothing,"

You gave him a confused look before getting up of the bench, reaching a hand out for him to help him get up.

As he took your hand, he could feel himself fall for you all over again, and you continued on your walk.

You made it to your destination, a cute bookshop cafe, and sat down after taking your orders.

He held your hands on the table,
"(F/n), I need to tell you something, and I want you to know that no matter how you respond, I hope we can still be friends. (F/n), I-"

"Here's your orders! I'll leave the bill here,"

He deflated as his 3rd attempt had been thwarted.

"Sorry about that Akaashi, what were you saying?"

He started to consume his order,
"Nothing, it's fine,"

You took his word for it, and dug into your food.

It was later in the day, and you had gone off to the bathroom, leaving Akaashi alone in your room, on your bed.

"Bokuto-san, what do you think I should do?"

He moved his phone away from his ear as his boisterous friend responded,
"Dude! You need to be more direct! And faster too!"

He was a little shocked that the owl actually gave good advice, but he took it to heart,
"Thank you, for everything."

"No problem dude!"

He hung up the phone and waited patiently for you.

You walked in and laid down next to him,
"Where do you want to go next?"

"(F/n) I-"

He stared into your [eye colored] eyes, he just couldn't bring himself to confess. What if it goes wrong? He doesn't want to lose a friend, especially you.

"I think we should go to the park,"

You smiled,
"Yeah, the park sounds nice!"

Under the tree, the two of you sat, the gaps between the leaves letting the fading sunlight stream down.

You held his and and intertwined your fingers,
"Yknow... I'm really glad I was able to meet you Akaashi,"

He tightened his grip on your hand,
"I'm glad I met you as well, (f/n),"


•He confesses•

You both stood up, hand in hand. This time, he was going to say what he had been holding in for so long, this time, he'd tell you.

"(F/n), ever since I met you, you've been trying to cheer me up, and you've always made sure to keep in contact with me, even if I hadn't with you,"

You could tell where this was going, the two of you blushing profusely.

"What I'm trying to say (f/n), is that I love you, and I want to go out with you. If you don't feel the same way, I understand, I just hope we can-"

He was stopped by a kiss to the lips, it was quick, but it felt like being hit by a truck. In the good way.

You gave him a quick peck on the neck, just enough to make him giggle.

"I would love to go out with you Akaashi, and I love you too,"

The two of you walked home, hand in hand.

"Does this mean I get to call you Keiji now?"

He laughed,
"Yes, yes it does,"


The two of you stood up, hand in hand.

"Akaashi, just now, under that tree, holding your hand, I realized what you've been trying to tell me all day,"

He could feel his heartbeat quicken,

"When I first met you, we were strangers, well you were an intruder but that's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is, I love you. Akaashi Keiji, will you be my boyfriend?"

After hearing those words, he looked at you in shock. Never had he ever expected that you'd ever say such things to him, let alone anyone.

He started to cry,

"Akaashi? I'm sorry! Did I interpret you wrong?"

He gave you a tight hug,
"No you idiot... I was gonna confess to you!"

You stared at him for a moment, just a moment, before the two of you started to laugh a full sounding laugh, which ended with the two of you sharing a passionate kiss.

Hand in hand, with red all over your faces, the two of you walked back home.

"Does this mean I get to call you Keiji now?"

He laughed,
"Yes, yes it does,"


THE FIRST ENDING OF MANY sorry if it was kind of cringe I'm not good at this love stuff also I totally stole this idea from Crystaldealer_ and _RuRey_ shoutout to them!

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