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Do y'all want a one shot or smth

You woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping, and looked to your side to see Kenma soundly sleeping.

You pat his head gently, and he moved his head into your touch, making you die from the adorableness.

You squished his cheeks,
"Oh Kenma you're just too cute!"

He woke up, opening his eyes and giving you a confused look, which made your heart shake from the cuteness.


He looked at you with concern before getting up to grab his game, then laying down on the bed with his head on your chest.

"Are you sure you want to put your head there? The pillow might be more comfy,"

"No, I like it here,"

You could only laugh with an exhale at this, letting him rest on your body.

While he was playing, you ran your hands through his hair, and you could swear you could hear him purr, but you didn't want to comment on it.

A little bit later, you sighed,
"I have to go soon..."

He turned his head towards you,
"Do you have to?"

You pinched his cheeks,
"I have people that are waiting for me back home, also I have school..."

He pouted,
"You could move here..."

You laughed,
"That's a nice thought, I just wish I could teleport so I could see everyone when I wanted to..."

The two of you stayed in silence for a bit before you got up,
"I'm gonna get dressed, let the others know I'll be leaving,"

"The others were busy so they couldn't come, but they wanted me to tell you that they'd miss you,"

"Well tell them that I'll miss them too!"

Your train was leaving soon, but you still had things to tell them.

"Make sure Kenma doesn't stay up too late playing games, and make sure he doesn't get hit by a car, okay Kuroo?"

He gave you a thumbs up,
"Should be easy, I've already been doing that,"

You looked to Kenma,
"Make sure Kuroo doesn't do anything rash,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing!"

You stood in silence for a moment.

"I'll miss you both,"

You gave each of them a quick kiss on the cheek before getting on the train, winking at them.

"I'll be back for you all!"

"Yeah you better be!"

With a wave, the train went off towards Miyagi, and the Nekoma duo walked home.

When you made it home, you made a large feast for yourself before collapsing on your bed in a food coma.

The next day you woke up refreshed, the memories of the past few days still fresh in your mind.

After a nice breakfast, you really felt like getting lost, so you wrote a note, just incase you went missing, and left your house.

A little while later, just as you wanted it, you were lost. Now for the fun part, making it back home in one piece.

You walked around trying to find any familiar landmarks, but nope, nothing.

While walking, you bumped into a wall, and fell to the ground.

"I swear there wasn't a wall there!"

You heard a voice,
"That's because there wasn't, are you okay?"

He reached out his hand for you to grab, and you were able to get a good look at him. He had light colored hair, and 0 eyebrows (the zero looks like an "o" I'm crying), and he looked a bit scary.

You took his hand, and he helped you get up.
"Sorry for bumping into you, im a bit lost, I'm
(f/n) by the way,"

"Aone. You said you were lost?"

"Yup! But I got lost on purpose though!"

He looked at you, perplexed,
"On purpose?"

You waved your hands around, trying to explain,
"Y-yeah on purpose! It's fun!"

He continued with the confused look,

"Look, I cant really explain it, but trust me! It can be fun!"

He took your word for it, mainly because he didn't want to see you so nervous.

"Anyways, you seem to know the area, care to escort me back home?"

You held your arm out, hoping to god he would say yes.

He took your offer, and locked his arm with yours,

You smiled,
"Really! Thanks!"

Along your walk, you made small talk, not wanting to feel awkward.

"So what school are you from Aone?"

"Date Tech,"

'Oop gotta make sure to keep him away from Asahi'

"Really? I heard their volleyball team is really good!"

"Yeah, I'm their blocker,"

You made an "oh" sound,

"Do you play volleyball, (f/n)?"

You shook your head,
"No, but I 'supervise' the team,"

You really didn't feel like explaining the emotional support thing.

"Which team?"



Not wanted to offend you, he didn't mention how his school shat on yours the year before.

You were about to say something, but then you tripped. He helped you up again, but when you tried to walk, it hurt.


He looked at you with concern,
"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, my ankle just hurts, I must have twisted something when I tripped..."

He looked you up and down before making a decision.

"I can carry you the rest of the way, it isn't too far,"

You looked at him with stars in your eyes,

He nodded, and you climbed on his back, pointing to the horizon.


He chuckled softly before continuing walking.

You were always the one who carried, so being the one who got carried was a nice change of pace, and it was fun too!

"Is this your house?"

You looked around,

He gently lowers you down, and walked you to your door.

"Thanks for being my guide Aone, I hope our paths will cross again soon,"

You gave him a hug, which he gratefully accepted.

"It was a pleasure,"

You smiled with a short giggle, and walked inside, waving goodbye.

While walking home, Aone noticed a piece of paper in his pocket that wasn't there before.

"Thanks for helping me! Here's my number! Don't ask when I wrote this."


I could totally eat a volleyball

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