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Damn y'all are eating this up Omg Ty for 700+ reads
The days went by, and your tenure at Aoba Johsai was coming to an end. You didn't hate it, but having to walk there from Karasuno was tiring, plus you missed your own team.


You patted a glum Oikawa on the back,

"Didn't I tell you this yesterday? Anyways I'll still be in Miyagi, you can hang out with me any time! That goes for everyone else too" you pointed to the rest of the team, who wished they spent more time with you.

The news of your departure didn't hinder their playing, they were still improving and playing like usual, which you were happy about.

'I should really ask for a vacation from this Omg'

Practice ended in a flash, and all but three had left the gym.

Oikawa laid his head on your lap, you weren't able to refuse because you felt bad about leaving, and Iwaizumi said he needed to stay to make sure
"Asskawa didn't do anything"

It was kind of awkward for him to just sit next to you while Oikawa was on your lap, so you pulled him into a leaning position on your shoulder.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I don't want to be unfair, do I?"

You sat there for 10 more minutes, running your hand through Oikawa's hair while rubbing Iwaizumi's back.

"I'm sorry we couldn't hang out much, Iwaizumi. Text me and we can meet up sometime, okay?"

You could feel him nod his head, and then felt like it was a good time for you to head out, so you tried to get Oikawa off of your lap.

"No! Only if you give me a goodbye kiss!"

Iwaizumi looked at him with disgust, looking at you as if asking for permission to hit him. You just shook your head with a smile before giving Oikawa a kiss on the forehead.

"It's just a kiss, it's not the end of the world, would you like one too Iwaizumi?"

He silently nodded while looking at the ground, when he felt your lips come into contact with his forehead, his mind exploded.

You waved a goodbye to them and walked out the door, wondering why you just kissed those two boys. Well whatever, you just wanted to get home now.

~next day yuh get into it~

Suga POV:
I walked into the gym, ready for another day of practice, but I saw Kageyama in the corner, with a kind of grim look on his face.

"Kageyama? Are you okay? What's the matter?"

He looked at me, his face slightly pink,

"Oikawa senpai told me that (f/n) senpai kissed him" he said in a whisper,

"WHO KISSED (F/N) SENPAI?" Hinata looked at us with shock written on his face.

I had to admit I was shocked as well, he knew me longer and I didn't get a kiss? That's so unfair! But I need to be a good example for my underclassmen!

"Whatever the case, we need to respect (f/n)'s privacy, his love life is his business" the two 1st years both nodded, but then a voice came from behind me.

"My love life? What are y'all talking about?" He laughed, making my face go pink with embarrassment.

"Did Oikawa tell you about the kiss? It was just a kiss on the forehead, it's not that serious, see?"

He came close to me, and gave me a peck on the forehead. My face somehow turned pinker than before, I guess god really does exist!

"Oops, sorry Suga I should've asked for permission first,"

"N-no it's fine... t-totally fine" STUPID WHY AM I STUTTERING NOW?

"YOU HAVE PERMISSION FROM ME (F/N) SENPAI!" Hinata looked at him with determination in his eyes, which made (f/n) chuckle.

"Okay Hinata," he bent down to his level, and gave him a kiss on the forehead too, which Hinata jumped in celebration for.

Soon everyone lined up for a kiss from (f/n), which kind of devalued my kiss, but a kiss was still a kiss!

I was glad (f/n) was back, and it was apparent that the whole team thought the same, smiling throughout practice. The way he made me feel was just UGH.

I shook my head from my thoughts and walked over to where he was sitting. I stood in front of him, finding the words I wanted to say to him.

"I'm glad you're back (f/n), you've really boosted morale here, also you can call me Koushi if you'd like!"

He looked at me with a smile that melted my heart,

"Awww Koushi thats so sweet of you to say! You already call me by my first name, so I'll give you a hug, that sounds like a fair trade right?"

I nodded as he pulled me into his arms. I wish we could've stayed like that a little longer, but I ended it after a little bit so no one else would see. I know eventually he'll call everyone else by their first names, but I wanted to feel special for a while!

"We'll Koushi, I think you should be getting back to practice, I don't want to distract you!"

'You're always distracting me'

God Koushi you are so pathetic ARGH
Im gonna pretend that golden week is coming up soon

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