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After a little research you decided that it might be nice to vacation in the country, so you decided that Hyōgo would be a pretty neat place to go. From the pictures, it seemed nice and peaceful, and that was just what you needed.

One the logistical side of things, you had already informed the school that you would be gone for the week, and had already done your schoolwork ahead of time. Now the hard part was to let the volleyball club know you'd be gone.

You paced around your house,
"How am I supposed to tell them I'm leaving?"
"What do I do if they try to get me to stay?"
"Maybe I don't need to tell them... HEY WHO ARE YOU!"

You ran to your window where you saw an orange blur zooming away. You knew what was about to happen so you ran like all hell after him.

~Hinata POV~
I CANT BELIEVE (F/N) SENPAI IS LEAVING US! AFTER EVERYTHING HE SAID TOO! I need to let everyone know before it's too late!

I burst through the gym doors, getting everyone's attention.


They all crowded around me, asking me more questions.

"Hinata. Are you sure you heard him correctly? He did tell you he'd never leave us didn't he? Didn't he?"

I could see the concern on Sugawara senpai's face.

"Tch. Who cares"
"Don't say that Tsukki!"

I can't believe he's just gonna leave us! I need to convince him to stay! No matter what I'm gonna keep him with Karasuno! With me!

~normal POV~
You finally made it to the school, which for some reason seemed a lot further away from usual, and made your way to the gym.

'These volleyball players and their miscommunication oh my god'

Before you got to the door, you felt someone small grab you from behind. You looked over your shoulder to see the same orange who was spying on you earlier.


He looked put his face into your back, muffling is words.

You couldn't understand what he was saying, so you got yourself free from his grasp, and turned to face him, looking into his shaky eyes.

"Could you say that again?"


You suddenly grabbed Hinata and held him to your body like someone would do to a baby or toddler.

"Hinata I'm not leaving! We've been over this like, twice!"

"B-but I heard you say-"

"What you heard were thoughts out of context! I like talking to myself sometimes okay! And I'm not leaving you guys, I'm just going on vacation!"

You pat his head gently like you would for a child, and walked into the gym, still carrying him.

Immediately you were swarmed by the team, asking you why you were leaving and when.

"CHILL I'm not leaving! I'm just going on vacation!"

They all seemed relieved by this but then turned their sights to Hinata, who was smiling in your arms.

"Don't be too mad at Hinata okay? He was just concerned... although he needs to stop snooping around when he shouldn't..."

You looked at Hinata who reflected back an nervous grin.

"You shouldn't go eavesdropping like that okay? You'll end up hearing things you'll wish you didn't. Like today!"

He frowned and nodded, burying his face into your shoulder, making you laugh. The team couldn't decide if they wanted to kill Hinata or swoon at your laugh, and ultimately did nothing.

You moved over to the bench and sat down, sitting Hinata on one leg. And then for some reason you just conked out and fell asleep, the team looking at you in disbelief.


While no one was looking, Noya took it upon himself to sit on your other leg, grinning triumphantly while wrapping your arm around him. Hinata saw this and wrapped your other arm around him too, not wanted to miss out.

After a minute, Tskushima took note of what was happening, and froze, seething with jealousy.

"Hey Tsukki what wro-"
Yamaguchi saw the same thing, and deflated, no wishing he was small enough to sit on your leg.

The rest of the team soon caught on, jealous of the two midgets. Suga however stopped sulking, an idea popping up in his head.

He walked over to where you were, and stopped for a moment to decide if what he was doing was gonna be worth it. With a deep inhale, he executed his plan.

He sat down right between you legs, leaning his back against your chest, and resting his head on the crook of your neck.

Everyone just got more jealous, crowding around you, trying to find a spot next to you, some held your hand while other sat down near your legs. Whatever the case it was very uncomfortable for you, and you started dreaming you were in a cramped sweaty room.

You woke up feeling very squished, and looked around to see everyone sitting around you like a renaissance painting.

You tried moving your limbs, but they were tethered to PEOPLE.

"Can I have my body back please?"

They didn't expect you to wake up, and quickly jumped off and away from you, giving their apologies.

"It's alright, I guess I looked pretty comfy huh?"

You chuckled to yourself and didn't see them nodding in agreement.

"Anyways I should get going, good luck everyone!"

You walked off and everyone just sighed, wishing they had more time with you. They got over it pretty quick though, and got back to practice as usual.

You got home and showered, changing into your pajamas and checking the backyard just incase another rando decided to stop by. It was clear, which you were thankful for, so you were able to just plop into your bed, falling asleep again.



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