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Omg 500+ reads yall are crazy in the good way also i am neglecting so many characters hopefully they will have their time to shine at some point.
Oikawa's POV
"Oikawa? Oikawa? OIKAWA"

I opened my eyes to see someone standing over me, staring deep into my eyes. I freaked out.

"HUH? WHAT? I DIDNT DO IT I SWEAR! Oh it's just you (f/n) chan! What are you doing here?"

He looked at me perplexed,

"Uhhh... this is my backyard."

I looked at him in shock, I looked around and saw that there was a house that I somehow didn't see.


In response he just laughed, oh god that laugh, I could listen to it for- WAIT I REMEMBERED!


I hugged his waist from where I was sitting, I felt him tense up before he went down to my level. I was waiting for him to say something, but instead he just hugged me back. Hopefully that means I'm forgiven!

The hug went on for a while longer, and when it ended it felt like it was too soon. He stood back up and I looked into his [eye color] eyes, losing myself in them.

"I forgive you Oikawa, but only if you promise me you won't stay so late to practice, understand?"

I thought about it for a moment. I don't have that many options, if I go back to practicing late like before, (f/n) chan might not forgive me! And then the team would find out too!

With my signature smile, I gave him my answer,

"I understand"

"Good, but just incase I'm gonna say some more things. Oikawa, if you keep practicing like you did, eventually your body would just give up, and then you wouldn't be able to play volleyball anymore, and you don't want that do you?"

I shook my head with a frown.

"Okay, now that that's all cleared up, would you like to stay for the night? There's no school tomorrow either. Hmmm I'm getting flashbacks"

"Oh sure (f/n) chan! And what do you mean by flashbacks?"

"Oh it's nothing, now get inside, I was about to watch this alien movie, and it seems a-mazing"

I grinned widely and practically ran inside, only then realizing I needed a change of clothes, and more importantly, a shower.

"You can take a shower in my bathroom, there should already be a change of clothes in there"

I hurriedly got into the bathroom, I couldn't let him see me blushing! I took a quick shower and slipped into his clothes, they were so nice and big, they were very comfortable.

I shuffled my way over to his couch and wrapped myself in his blankets, I needed to figure out where he got them because GOD they were soft.

Soon he brought over a small foldable table and put some [food] on it for us to eat, could this get any better?

He pressed a button on the remote and the movie started playing. Oh this was gonna be good!

\\\Normal POV///
You were very much reminded of the time you spent with Suga, so just incase, you mentally prepared yourself for an emotional conversation for the next day.

Halfway through the movie, Oikawa subconsciously got closer and closer to you, to the point that he was pretty much laying on you.

Every time he would get close to falling asleep, you would gently run your hands through his hair to keep him awake, which he greatly appreciated.

The movie finally ended and it was dark out,

"That movie was so good! Wasn't it cool when the aliens did the thin!"

"Yes Oikawa it was very cool,"

Oikawa let out a loud yawn before snuggling into your chest.

"Awww is someone tired? Let me bring you to the bed"

You didn't get a reply, only soft snores, damn setters sleep easily.

You stood up and carried him to the bed, you made sure he was comfortable before getting in yourself.

You woke up and it wasn't as bright as you thought it would be. You soon found out why when you heard the harsh rain hitting on your window.

Then suddenly there was a loud BOOM as thunder started roaring in the sky. You could feel Oikawa come closer to you, shivering.

Maybe he was faking it, maybe he wasn't, you just wanted him to feel better, so you pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his back. The shivering stopped and his breathing returned to normal, well this was definitely a new experience.

"Hey (f/n)?"

"Yeah Oikawa?"

You were slightly concerned because he didn't add the 'chan' at the end of your name, the only other time he didn't do this was when he was arguing with you.

"Why don't you call me Shittykawa or make fun of me like the others do?"

You paused for a moment, making sure to carefully pick out your words.

"Well for starters, I feel like if I was constantly being called shitty, I would start to feel bad, and I don't want that for you. And I know your teammates don't mean any harm, but just give me the word if it becomes too much, I'll give them a talking to."

"Thank you (f/n)... you know most of the time I can deal with it, but sometimes it hurts, and I know they're just joking, but it really does hurt sometimes."

You could feel tears start to stain you shirt as he wiped his face on you,

"Oh Oikawa don't worry, you're safe here. And I hereby promise to never insult you! Ever!"

He giggled in response,

"Oh (f/n) chan, you don't have to do that for me!"

"Oh but I will!"

He playfully hit you before going back to the hugging position.

"Thank you. For everything."

"Anytime Oikawa."

well this did not go how you expected it to, did it? Honestly same

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