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I feel like maybe I'm updating a little too often, also thanks for 300 reads! It's like a new milestone every chapter 🏓
Eventually the two of you had to get out of bed, and you both ate a hearty breakfast that you cooked up.

Everything seemed like it was going right, but when you looked at Suga, he seemed uneasy.

"Everything alright Suga?"

"Y-yeah... actually no... you know how you're our emotional support? Well I could use some emotional supporting right now, could I talk to you?"

"Of course! Follow me to the backyard."

Your backyard was full of lush plants, with multitudes of flowers and large foliage, with a table as the centerpiece, it almost seemed like it was from a fairytale.

You both took your seats at the opposite sides at the table, and you went to the kitchen for a while to brew some tea.

'This place is nice' Suga thought to himself.

You came back to the table and placed down two cups, proceeding to pour tea into both of them.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

He started to spill his guts to you (metaphorically), talking about all of his worries and doubts, which you low key were not prepared for. Throughout his talking you would nod along, occasionally taking a sip from your tea.

"And I used to be the official setter but then Kageyama came and now I guess he's the official setter, and I should be happy for him since I'm supposed to be the mature one but it still hurts y'know? And I know he's more talented than me too, and I'm happy that he's part of the team because we'll have a better chance at nationals, but it's all just so conflicting! I don't know what to do!"

He let out a loud sigh and took a deep breath in, and started to look up at the sky.

"We'll Suga, I may not be a therapist, or a psychologist, or a counselor, or qualified for any of this, but I can tell you one thing. You are important, you are making a difference for all of your underclassmen and the volleyball team as a whole. Without you they'd all fall apart, no offense, and what you're feeling is totally valid, and I'm glad you trust me enough to let me know."

You weren't sure if what you said would help him, in all honesty you had zero clue on what to do, but you said what you thought seemed the most helpful.

But then he started crying.
And the tears just kept coming.
You did not know what the HELL was going on, you were not prepared for this situation, so you did the first thing you thought of.

You stood up from your chair, walked to Suga, and pulled him into a tight embrace. He froze for a moment before returning the hug, crying into your shoulder.

"*sniffle* thank you (f/n)"

You internally let out a sigh of relief, figuring out that he wasn't crying in sadness from what you said.

He let you go and started to drink from his tea, you also going back yo your seat.

"We'll Suga, we still have a lot of the day left, what would you like to do?"

Through his post-cry sniffling he asked,
"Can we have ice cream?"

"Of course,"

"And watch movies too?"

"Sure, let's go inside and I can scoop some ice cream out,"

He decided to push his luck,

"Can you carry me there too?"

Without answering, you scooped him up bridal style and carried him to the couch, making him giggle in delight. He would use his time to stop acting mature, and act like a kid.

You gently put him down on the couch, giving him some pillows and blankets to add to the comfort. You could tell he needed this.

"What flavor do you want? Also you can choose the movie,"

"I'll have [flavor] thank you! And... we can watch... [movie]!"

"Sounds good Suga"

You both ate your ice cream in comfortable silence, watching the movie. Soon enough Suga was laying on you, and fell asleep for the last half of the movie.

"You should've woken me up!"

"I'm sorry Suga but you looked too cute sleeping there!" You replied honestly. For some reason you found a lot of things cute, and you weren't afraid to admit it.

"I-idiot!" Suga replied with a pink face, half struggling to say it.

It started to get late, and Suga needed to get home. You offered to walk him home, and he kindly refused, but you could tell he was lying, so you didn't take no for an answer.

As you got to his house, he pulled you in for another hug,

"Thanks again for everything, and could you not, like, tell the team? I don't want them to know about the, y'know..." and because the team would be MAD jealous.

"Don't worry about a thing Suga, and I enjoyed our time together, I'll see you around, have a goodnight!"

You both waved to eachother as you walked home, with Suga feeling like he was on cloud 9.

"Wait forgot my uniform at (f/n)'s! Huh? What's this..."

Next to him was a bag of all of his stuff, neatly folded and organized. He thanked you again in his mind and walked into his house, plopping down on his bed, and thinking about everything that happened.

When you got home, you realized that he was still wearing your clothes, and you realized that you didn't have what it took to ask for them back.


What an eventful day.

Too bad you didn't notice the Orange who was being held back from saying hi to you by a Blueberry when you said goodbye to Suga.

Oh well.
all of this is lowkey out of character I am running out of ideas we're just gonna skidoodle into golden week soon probably. Hopefully. Maybe? Or maybe you'll go to Aoba Johsai for a while, I'm not sure. Ty again for 300 reads!

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