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I WAS #1 FOR A HOT SECOND and Ty for 3k reads! Also I have to restrain myself from adding slay
"So you gonna do anything about them FORGETTING you during that camp thingy?"

"Oh Kaede there is NO way I'm gonna talk about it to them, you know how awkward it's gonna be?"

"Well it's better than just staying silent about it,"

"I'd beg to differ, anyways I heard they've set up an amusement park around the area, you wanna go?"

"I WISH but I'm going on a date with a certain someone,"

You gave her a high five,

~short time skip idk what to put here~
During the whole day you were wondering who would want to go to the amusement park with you. That's when you saw the bean pole and his lackey walking together.

You ran over to them, and while Yamaguchi stopped, Tsukishima tried to run away.

You grabbed Yamaguchi in one arm and continued to chase him,


Eventually you caught him, and it took everything in his power to not smile a little.

"Now that I've snatched both of you, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go the the amusement park together!"

They looked at eachother, and then back at you,

"Of course!"

After trying to figure out if they had a telepathic connection, you let them know when and where to meet.

"Meet me at my house at around...like 5:30 ish?"

They both nodded and you went home to prepare. (Let's just pretend there's no practice).

You made sure to prepare for everything, band aids, flare gun (which you may or may not have legally aquired), pepper spray, and a thin blanket.

You were so into preparing you didn't notice the time fly by, and eventually they both had arrived.

Right before they could knock, you opened the door,


They looked at you for a moment, and you decided to continue,

"Are you ready to go? Make sure to use the bathroom now because the bathrooms there are gonna be NASTY,"

They shook their heads, and with that you started on your walk there. It wasn't too long of a walk, but it wasn't short, but eventually you made it.

Yamaguchi pointed at the tallest ride,
"D-do we have to go on t-that?"

You pat his shoulder,
"Only if you want to, okay?"

Tsukishima just rolled his eyes, but froze when he saw a dinosaur themed ride. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to it without a word, Yamaguchi laughing a little at the sight.

During the whole ride he was smiling, which definitely felt a little weird, but you were happy for him. At the end of the ride you each got a dinosaur sticker, which made him even happier.

"Enjoying yourself Tsukki?"

He nodded with a smile.

"Okay Yamaguchi, it's your turn to pick a ride!"

He looked at you, a little surprised,
"My turn?"

"Yeah! Tsukki picked this ride, so now it's your turn!"

He looked around for the least scary ride he could find, and settled for the teacups.

"Ohhh! Good choice, the lines pretty empty we gotta hurry!"

You grabbed them by the arms and dashed over to the line, something unnecessary because no one else wanted to go on them.

The three of you got seated in the teacup, and the ride started to move. Yamaguchi put his hands on the table, and got frightened when it moved.

"Oh I almost forgot this is the best part of the ride! Okay Yamaguchi, you may want to move your hands..."

He put his hands on his lap, and you gripped the table, spinning it with everything you had. The teacup spun at what seemed like super speed, and it didn't help that the ride got faster too.

Yamaguchi started to get disoriented, and leaned onto you, grabbing on your shirt for dear life. Luckily the ride ended, and you all walked off dizzily.

"WOOOH the spinning rides are always the best!"

You looked at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, who were still recovering.

"How about we play some games? The prizes seem nice"

Tsukishima clicked his tongue,
"yeah, but they're all rigged"
"Yeah totally rigged!"

"Maybe, but who knows, I might be lucky!"

You walked over to a ball toss booth, where you needed to get a ping ping ball in the right bottle. You let the two 1st years have a turn first, and they totally pooched it.

"See? Rigged, let's just go on another ride..."

"Not yet Tsukki! I didn't get my turn!" And with that, you paid the vendor and got your ball. You stared at the bottles so intently they thought it was gonna explode, and that was when you gently tossed the ping pong ball, which satisfyingly went into the bottle.

You looked back at the two with a smile, both of them shocked.

The blonde one scoffed,
"Yeah it was just luck,"

The vendor spoke to you with just a hint of anger,
"Would you like a small prize or would you like to go for the big one?"

Tsukishima was about to tell you to settle for the small one, but you had already made your decision.


You effortlessly tossed the ball into the bottle, successfully winning a giant plush t-rex. You had planned on giving it to Tsukishima, and seeing him eye the plush sparked a lot of joy.

"Here you go Tsukki!"

He looked at you with disbelief,
"Why are you giving this to me? You won it. I don't want your pity"

You could tell what he was doing, and decided two could play at that game.

"Okayyyy I guess if you reeeeaaally don't want it... I guess I can give it to Hin-"

He snatched the dino from your hands and held it tight with a pout,

You laughed and played again, getting a large teddy bear for Yamaguchi, who gladly accepted. The downside is that you got banned from all the booths, I guess you were just TOO good.

You felt your stomach grumble, so the three of you went to where all the food vendors were, getting some greasy amusement park food.

While you were eating you saw that Yamaguchi had some sauce on his face, so you took a napkin to wipe it off,

"You got a little something on your face,"

He turned into a strawberry and went back to eating his food, while Tsukishima watched with a twinge of jealousy.

After a few more rides you could tell they were getting tired, so you decided it would be better to start walking home now, before it got too late.

You walked them back to their houses, giving both of them a goodbye hug which they both enjoyed, although one of them didn't show it well.

That night, the both of them snuggled with the plushes you got them, drifting off to sleep thinking about their day.

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