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I can never remember which part I'm on omg

"There can only be four players in a game?"
They started trying to brainstorm a way for you to be able to play with them, but you spoke up before they could say any of their ideas to you.

"You can play, I'll just watch. Besides, I kind of invited myself here so it makes the most sense

"We wanted you here though!"

You reached over from your place on Kenma's bed to poke his cheek.

"It's fine Lev, now you better pay attention before Yaku steals [character] from you,"

He turned around frantically to choose his character before anyone could snatch it from him.

For a while you watched them play [game (I'm saying Mario party)], but the more you watched, the more tired you got, until you eventually fell asleep.

When they finally noticed, they made sure to take pictures unlike last time, and tried to stay quiet.

"You wake him up Yaku senpai!"

"Why me?!"


He accepted his fate and inched closer to you,
"Hey (f/n), wake up!"

They stared at him,

"Seriously? That's it?"

"Well what am I supposed to do!?"

"I don't know, shake him or something?"

He sighed and got onto the bed with you, trying to gently shake you awake.

"It's not worki- AUGH"

He was pulled into the vortex that was your hug, as you held him close like a plush.

His face turned beet red as he tried to get help,
"Guys? Help?!?!"

Kuroo put on a devilish grin, trying to hide his jealousy,
"Sorry but I think (f/n) likes his new plush so much that I couldn't bear to take it away from him!"

He pressed a button and sent Yaku's character back to the start.


You turned on your other side, still holding tightly onto the short volleyball player.

"Hmmm cutie..."
You mumbled in your sleep.


As Yaku gave into his blissful fate, the others continued their game,
"Damn it! How'd you do that Kenma? ...Kenma?"

They looked around to see Kenma on the bed with you, on the side Yaku wasn't on.


"5 turns ago."

"No fair! What do we do Kuroo senpai?"

"We have to go nuclear"


"This might get ugly,"

Kuroo reached over to you and gently shook you,
"(F/n) wake up!"

Your eyes fluttered open, and you sat up, looking around to take in your surroundings.

You shook your head and laid back down.


He jostled you,

After a few more tries, he was able to make you stay awake, which disturbed Yaku and Kenma's peace.

"Man that was a great nap! What time is it?"

You opened your phone,

You checked your texts,

From: TheRealKaede
"Family emergency! Had to rush home, left your stuff where u r rn. Don't ask how I knew where u were"

Sure enough your stuff was not only by the door, it was INSIDE the house.

"How did she...?"

"It's better to not ask when it comes to this stuff... anyways, could I spend the night?"

Kenma nodded.

"Can we spend the night too?"

Without hesitation, the pudding haired boy responded,


They all begrudgingly left the house, each one of them receiving a hug before they left.

"I miss them already... well im gonna go change, meet you back in your room?"


You changed, and went back to Kenma's room where you sat down next to his bed.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want to, I mean, you already did so..."

You smiled before climbing on,
"Thanks! I think I'm just going to go to sleep, that concert took a lot out of me. Goodnight Kenma!"


You closed your eyes, and they stayed closed as your consciousness faded somewhere else.

A few hours later, you woke up, needing to use the bathroom.

'Oh I hate when this happens'

You went and did your business, but when you go back, you realized that Kenma wasn't there, and thinking back even further, he was missing when you went to the bathroom as well.

You walked around the dark house, making it to the living room, where you saw Kenma's face illuminated by the light of his screen.

"Kenma, what are you doing awake at this hour?"

Not looking up from his game, he responded.
"I wanted to beat this level... and I didn't want to wake you up,"

You heard his character die,
"I like to have the sound on..."

You walked closer to him, examining his features.

"God Kenma, your eyes are so red! You need to sleep. Now."

You snatched his game away, which he desperately tried to take back, but failed.

"You can play tomorrow, tonight, you need to sleep."

To make sure he'd comply, you scooped him up and put him on the bed, holding him close so he couldn't escape to play his game.

"Sleep tight Kenma,"


"You'll forgive me in the morning."

He curled up in your embrace and started to fall asleep,
"Yeah right..."

You giggled at his sleeping face,
"They're always so adorable when they're sleeping..."

And soon you traversed into the realm of dreams as well.


I am very tired while writing this

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