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"Ok lesson time." Mark calls out to the three interns standing in front of the bed "What do we do for patients with severe bed sores?"

"Um." One of them stated "Change their position often?"

"No." MarkΕ replied "That's what you do to prevent them.. I'm talking about the people that get neglected too long and end up getting them because some overly pompous intern felt it wasn't their job to do it."

"But its not." He replied..

"Excuse me?"

"I mean.. isn't it the nurses job to do that kind of thing?"

"You're interns." Mark muttered "Grunts, no bodies, bottom of the surgical food chain.. you want in the OR you have to earn it.. starting with patient care, if you cant think enough to move a patient in their bed once an hour to prevent them from the pain and agony of ulcers then you sure as hell don't belong standing over one holding a scalpel.. Jenkins answer the first question."

"Uh, the best way I would think would be to debridement and redress it." He answered..

"Congratulations." Mark grinned "You just explained your task for today." They all looked at him with fallen expressions, before they could say anything they heard someone rush into the room and looked up to see Derek waltz in with a smile on his face..

"Sorry for the interruption, and being late." He explained "Emily is sick."

"I know." Mark sighed "Shelly has it too, Mer called me."

"Sorry to hear about Shelly."

"She'll be fine, she's a tough one." He smiled proudly of his daughter "But Addi is staying home with her."

"Did she make you stay up all night with her like Mer made me?"

"Oh yes." Mark grumbled.. "Apparently since I put her in the nursery it was my fault she was sick."

"I know." Derek chuckled.. they realized they still had an audience and turned to see wrinkled brows on the other interns faces..

"You know for staying up with an infant all night Dr. Shepherd you sure do seem happy." Jenkins said... Derek felt a grin cross his face and Mark looked him over, seeing the glowing goofy grin and let out a chuckle as he shook his head..

"What?" Derek asked still smiling..

"See you in OR 1 at 3." He said as he walked for the door stopping next to Derek and leaning in to whisper "It feels pretty damn good doesn't it?"

"You have no idea."

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