569 26 0

TW mention of recovery

"Oh god." She gagged as she threw up for the 50th time into the porcelain bowl...

She laid her tired head against the cold bathroom floor, her body covered in sweat and shaking involuntarily from her withdraws...

Derek walked in the open doorway of his bathroom holding a cold wet cloth and knelt down beside her wiping her face off and dabbing the cool cloth on her neck.. her face puckered up and she let out a gasping sob...

"I cant." She cried "I cant take this.. I cant do this anymore."

"You can." He whispered out in a calm voice sitting down next to her and pulling her into his strong arms... "You're strong, and brave, and wonderful... you can do this."

"Its too hard." She cried laying her cheek against his chest hearing his heart beating in his chest...

"I know its hard, but.. I'm here."

He whispered into her ear planting a soft kiss on her cheek... she shivered and her breath shook as her muscles cramped up.. she let out a soft scream and he tightened his grip on her rocking her softly until she started to relax...

"Why are you bothering with me." She whispered "This isn't your problem."

"It's not a bother." He replied holding her close...

"Why?" she asked with the curiosity of a child...

"When you love someone." He replied "Its not a bother."

Her eyes slowly opened and she didn't have the energy to look him in the eye so she let her head fall against his shoulder and closed her eyes...

"You love me?" she whispered...

"Yes." He said without hesitation...

"No one's ever loved me before." She said with a sniffle.. he gave her a gently squeeze and ran his hand up and down her back kissing her softly on her clammy forehead...

"If you love me too Mer." He whispered "Promise me to never do it again."

She licked her dry lips and gasped a few times feeling the pain inside of her ease slightly, knowing that it was him that was easing it, and his love for her... something she'd yet to have experienced... she rested her head against him and the rest of her body followed and she whispered lightly...

"I promise."

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