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The days turned into weeks, and then months, and life soon swept them up and once again mid term season was upon them. They kept trying to remind themselves that they were only getting closer and closer to their goal but the closer they got the harder it got. Sure it was hard for a reason, they don't want people to get a medical degree who mosey through the program. But it was starting to take its toll.

Still they tried their best to remind each other as much as they could that they were still very much in love. And happy to have each other, and be married. Their clinicalships were coming up in a few months and they could finally start hands on training. It was exciting but at the same time they feared it would only be harder work, hopefully not hard on their relationship.

Derek finished up class late, groaning that it went late because some stupid know it alls in the front row had a million questions to ask the professor about the mid term when all he wanted to do was get home to his wife.

Finally he walked through the door to his apartment to find her hunched over the table looking dreary eyed as she was elbow deep in text books. He smiled as he walked over her and leaned over her tired body as he pressed his lips against the back of her neck as he took in her scent and let out a satisfied sigh..

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing." She says tiredly with a sigh "Just trying to absorb as much of this as I can."

"Don't work too hard." He smirks "Sometimes if you try too hard you'll do more harm than good."

"There is no too hard when it comes to medical mid terms." She groans as she rubs her eyes..

"Maybe you should take a small break." He mumbles as he kisses her neck "Clear your mind."

"Funny." She giggles and rolls her eyes "But I cant right now."

"When is the test?" he asks..

"It's a week from Monday." She sighs..

"So you have over a week to worry about it.. come on, take a break." He pleads as he pursues her neck more..

"Derek." She groans "I get that we're newly weds and both healthy sexual individuals but.. we made love three times last night, in the shower and on the bathroom counter this morning.. that's five times in under 24 hours."

"I know." He grins seductively...

"I love you, and you make me scream like I've never before.. but right now.. my vagina is resting, and I have a test to study for."

"Oh please." He protested "We've had sex a lot more in a lot less time before and you've been fine.. I'll even help you study."

"No." she said shaking her head, "You wont.. you're going to leave me alone.. so go.. take a cold shower for all I care." She snapped shooting him a glare before going back to her reading.. he stood up as a scowl crossed his face feeling frustration boil inside of him..

"You know, for an ex stripper and a wife of 4 months you sure could put out a lot more." He snapped out.. she shot her eyes up at him cutting him a cold glare..

"You know for being an ex pimp and a husband of 4 months you sure are an uptight asshole!"

Derek gave her a heated stare wanting to say the things on his mind but biting his tongue not wanting to get into a huge fight.. he watched her go back to studying turning her back to him and stormed off to the bedroom.

He threw his stuff around as he striped down to his boxers and a t-shirt before climbing into bed still infuriated with her. He tossed and turned remembering all the times they couldn't keep their hands off each other, the times that they would finally see each other at the end of the day studying or not and would pounce one another.. now he was coming home, rushing even for what... to get turned down?

He sighed turning in bed once again staring out into the darkness in bitter anger wondering if being married was what changed them. Wondering if maybe they should have waited for a less stressful point in life.

Wondering if maybe it was a mistake. He shook the thoughts from his head knowing that he wanted to spend the rest of this life with Meredith and it didn't matter when they'd gotten married, and that the stress on their relationship wasn't marriage, it was school.

He knew that he had mid terms coming up soon too and that he would be studying hard for them as well. He felt guilt seep in from how he acted towards her and knew that he should apologize but he closed his eyes feeling too much stubbornness to get out of bed.

He started to feel sleep set in when he felt the bed move and then felt a cold chill when the blankets were stolen away from him.. he smiled himself and let out a sigh..

"You know for such a tiny person you sure do need a lot of covers."

"Had to think of someway to get your stubborn ass close to me." She mumbled from under the blankets..

He smiled as he turned around and moved under the blanket wrapping his arms around her waist as he fit her body perfectly against his...

"I'm sorry." He said softly..

"Me too." She whispered out..

They laid there in silence both feeling lighter hearted and he leaned into her planting a lingering kiss against her cheek.. his lips moved to her ear lobe and lingered against them as his hand moved up and down her thigh before creeping dangerously close between her legs..

"No." she said firmly without even opening her eyes...

"Seriously?" he whined feeling himself still aroused from earlier..

"Seriously, no." she sighed as she nuzzled her head into her pillow and leaned back against his chest.. he let out a defeated sigh and kissed the top of her head as his hands wrapped around her again and squeezed her tightly as they both fell asleep.

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