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"Oh my god Derek." Meredith smiled as she listened against the door in the hallway outside the delivery room "I think she's pushing."

"I cant believe that they're about to be parents." He smiled shaking his head.. "It seems like it all went by in a blur."

"I know." She smiled

"And we're next." He smiled placing his hands on her swollen belly.. "I cant wait."

"I just hope that you're better collected than Mark was." She giggles..

"I will." He chuckled "I'm sorry I was a grump earlier.. I'm just so tired."

"Oh just wait." She giggled.. They both heard a loud scream causing both their spines to stiffen up and Meredith got a ghostly look on her face as suddenly the reality of childbirth came crashing down on her..

"Its ok." Derek said softly taking her hand in his "Its ok.. it wont hurt that much for you.. its.. they didn't have the epidural is all."

"Ok." She nodded..

"Mark! This fucking epidural isn't working!" they hear Addison scream from inside the room and Meredith's hands gripped painfully tight around Derek's as she gulped..

"Yeah... right."

They hear another loud scream that is followed by the crackling cry of a baby and they look at each other as a sparkling smile grows on both their faces..

Derek reaches out and pulls her into him wrapping his arms around her and closes his eyes thinking of what this moment will be like for them as he holds her tightly feeling so much love for the woman in his arms and the life inside of her.. they hear the door open and break apart to see Mark standing there with a mesmerized smile on his face holding a little bundle in his arms..

"Oh god." Meredith gasps as she looks down at the tiny little angelic face looking up at them with light reddish blonde hair and bright blue eyes.. "She is so beautiful!"

"She is." Mark whispered out "This is the most amazing feeling." Mark looks up at them and smiles "Thank you both so much."

"You don't have to thank us." Meredith smiled..

"What's her name?" Derek asks.. Mark looks into his daughter's face and smiles like the whole world is in his arms and whispers out..

"Shelly Catherine Sloan."

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