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The months flew by and the bellies grew! Addison was 6 weeks ahead of Meredith as well as being a neonatologist she was able to give Meredith a heads up on things to expect, but at the same time someone to suffer alongside of, someone that truly understood what she was going through since she didn't have a mother or sister to tell her what she was feeling was normal.

They got together for their almost weekly BBQ that weekend and Mark and Derek were outside manning it up on the balcony as they grilled the food. Addison was showing Meredith their nursery items that they'd set up inside their bedroom..

"Oh Addison this is so beautiful!" Meredith gasped "But it's a lot of pink."

"I know." Addison smiled "We're having a girl!"

"Oh my god!" Meredith gasped "Congratulations!

"Thank you." Addison smiled as she hugged Meredith and then put her hands on Meredith's little belly "What are you having?"

"Oh gosh I don't know." Meredith said rolling her eyes "We had a sonogram last week and we were both so mesmerized by this little human being inside of my body and that it was healthy that we both forgot to ask."

"Oh my." Addison giggled "Well I can do it for you if you want to come see me."

"I don't know." Meredith sighed shaking her head as she ran her hand over her belly and smiled "I kind of like not knowing."

"I see." Addison smiled "Well what does it feel like?"

"Oh god." Meredith giggled "You sound like Derek.. He asked me the other day if it felt like a boy, and I told him.. right now it feels like really bad gas!"

They both burst into giggles when they heard the guys walk up and both stand in the doorway looking at them with smiles of joy on their faces.. Mark turns to Derek and smirks..

"Double the laughter, double the bellies, and soon enough double the babies. And now I sound like a Double Mint commercial." Mark laughed..

"I know." Derek chuckled "It must be something in the water."

"Something in the water that makes you want it all the damn time!" Meredith exclaimed..

"Hey." Derek grinned "I cant help it that I have an incredibly beautiful wife that I cant ever get enough of." She blushed as she smiled back at him feeling her heart swell with delight.. Addison put her hand on her hip and looked at Mark and glared..

"Why cant you say shit like that!" she hissed out.. Mark raised his eyebrows and leaned into Derek and whispered..

"Double the hormones too."

"Oh yes."

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