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Meredith got out of the shower and Derek was gone, he wrote a note saying he was sorry and had to go to class... she rolled her eyes tossing the note to the side and gathered up the laundry.. tempted to leave his for him to do but knowing that he would never do it and she didn't want to be around someone with smelly clothes she took everything over to Mark and Addison's.

She welcomed Meredith in warmly as she always did... over the last year and a half they had become quite good friends if not the best and soon realized that Addison wasn't all about material things and class and they clicked quite well together... Mark was at work leaving them to have an afternoon to themselves..

"So how have you been?" Meredith asked as they started to fold the laundry together...

"I've been so busy at work, its not easy working with tiny babies all day."

"Oh I bet!" Meredith "Their body parts are like 10 times smaller than ours are so it must be hard."

"That." Addison smiled "And it really makes me want to have one."

"What?" Meredith gasped "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Addison giggled "But don't tell Mark, he would freak out.. I think he wants to be more grown up or something before we have kids."

"Did you tell him that may never happen?" Meredith giggled back.. Addison threw her head back with laughter and nudged Meredith...

"So what about you and Derek?" she asked..

"Oh.. no.. Derek.. I'm not speaking to him right now."

"Why not?" she asked..

"We got in a stupid fight over the sink being broken." She mumbled out..

"Well did you make up yet?"

"No." Meredith muttered..

"Well did the sink at least get fixed."

"Almost." Meredith replied "As soon as the part gets here it will be."

"Oh you must have met Jerry then." Addison smiled

"Yes." She smiled "He is very sweet, except the weird thing was when he called me Derek's wife."

"Well you two live together it's natural for one to assume."

"That wasn't the weird thing." She mumbled "When he did, Derek didn't correct him."

"Oh." Addison said raising her eyebrows "Well maybe he likes the way it sounds."

"No." she said shaking her head "We cant get married now.. it would be too much... we are barely able to balance our check book without arguing we cant get married and add that expense on top of it."

"So." Addison shrugged with a smirk on her face "Doesn't mean he's not thinking about it."

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