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Derek made his way through the club past the paramedics and small crowd that had gathered.... He headed into the back and up the stairs turning his head looking up and down the hallway for her..

He headed down the upstairs hallway stopping at the dressing room... he was about to walk in when the door opened and he almost collided with someone and looked down into a pair of frightened green eyes....

"Are you ok?" he asked taking notice of her fully dressed appearance...

"Yeah, I just... I needed to get out of there."

"You want to talk about it?" he asked concerned...

"No, no I'm fine I just.. I need to go home."

"You seem shaken up about it." He said not giving her an out... she looked at him with a blank expression and sighed in defeat... he looked down the hallways and then back at her "Lets go in my office... maybe you just need to calm down."

"Maybe." She said softly...

He turned and walked into his office with her following him behind her... she sat her purse down in the chair and sat down on the edge of his desk... he moved next to her doing the same and crossed his arms over his chest...

"You seem to know a lot about the medical field for being a stripper." He mentioned...

He waited for her typical sarcastic response but all he got was watching her lower her head and pull nervously at her fingers... his smirk faded as concern wrinkled his forehead...

"You know talking about it might help." he suggested..

"It wont." She said in a worn voice...

"Maybe not the situation but maybe make you feel better." He suggested... she raised her eyes turning them to meet his and took in a steep breath...

"You're not the only one that wasn't always like this." She said in a low voice... "You seriously want to know the ugly truth?"

"You know my ugly truth." He smiled... she lowered her head and shook it lightly...

"No." she mumbled "Your truth... its not so ugly when its put next to mine."

His expression softened and his eyes filled with compassion seeing that she was in a lot of pain...

"Ok." He said in a voice just above a whisper "I want to know."

She let out a defeated sigh and glanced down at the ground before raising her eyes to slowly meet his...

"I was 2 months into my first year at medical school, following in my mother's foot steps to be a surgeon... trying to make her proud which is.. impossible but... I also liked to party, and party hard... I hosted a party in my dorm room one night... and some jackass there was high and drunk... and he wanted to light off some fireworks... only he decided to do it in my bedroom... it started this huge fire that destroyed my dorm, a dozen people were injured and I'm just lucky that no one ended up dead... however now I almost wish I were the one that died... they kicked me out of medical school... my mother was so embarrassed she disowned me, not before telling me that I would amount to nothing more than a bum on the street... I took what money I had left and moved to new york, hoping to model and pay my way back into a medical school but... no one had any interest... so I got a job waiting tables at a small diner, and it barely made my rent in that roach hole I call home... then one day I was walking down the street and some guy grabbed my arm and told me I was so hot that he would pay to see me take my clothes off.... I kicked him in the balls for it but... it got me thinking... and I started looking into it and... well strippers make a lot more than a waitress that serves fat soaked food for a living... so I did it and... I just tried not to think about what I was doing... I tried to alter my reality to get through it and... and it worked.... I don't know how but it worked."

"And now you're here." He said softly feeling his gut wrench for her past but part of him couldnt help but appreciate that it let her to his doorstep... she raised her eyes to meet his looking at him...

"And now I'm here." She said softly...

They smiled softly at each other as their eyes connected... his eyes studied every delicate curve of her angelic face, falling lastly on her luscious lips just wet with a fresh coat of moisture from her tongue... her eyes followed suite and their smiles faded into looks of lust...

Derek hesitated only a moment before slowly leaning in... she closed her eyes as she felt his breath fanning across her lips and cheek... she felt his lips softly graze hers and tilted her chin slightly upwards meeting his lips with welcoming open lips...

He latched onto her upper lip with his running his tongue over her lips before slipping it into her mouth to meet hers... he cupped the sides of her face, his fingertips sliding into her soft honey blonde hair...

He heard her let out a moan and he nipped and plucked at her lips with his... she felt tingles run down her spine as well as he, she'd never felt so amazed by one person's touch before... and as much as it pleased her it scared her too...

She gasped and pulled away as the reality of what was happening sunk in....

"Sorry." He mumbled as he turned his head feeling embarrassed for possibly stepping over the line...

"Its... I... um.. I have to go." She mumbled before turning and dashing out the door...

He sighed and sunk into the chair behind his desk running a hand through his messy locks of hair closing his eyes and listening to the fast paced beats his heart was making still minutes after she was out of the room...

He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and smiled... he could still taste her on them.

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