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Derek walked around worried as he looked around for Meredith... she wasn't there waiting for him after his class like she usually did on Wednesdays..

He thought maybe she went to the car but she wasn't there either... his heart jumped when he finally spotted her on a bench outside of the campus doors and slowly walked up to her...

He saw her sitting with her head down staring at a piece of paper in her hands with a perplexed look on her face...

He knew that she was supposed to be getting her first test results back that day and felt a little nervous as he slowly sat down beside her...

"Mer honey, is that your test?" he asked..

"Yeah." She mumbled...

"How did you do?" he gulped ready to comfort her...

"I just don't understand." She mumbled...

"Can I see?" he asked... she reached the paper out for him to take it.. he scanned the paper and furrowed his brow "Baby you aced it... you got 100% and the bonus."

"I know." She said shaking her head "That's why I don't understand."

"It could be something to do with you staying up until 1 am to study for it." He smirked...

"Maybe." She mumbled "But I'm not good at things.. I never have been."

"Perhaps this time you will be." He said as he put his arm around her and leans in whispering in her ear "And you are good at something."

"What?" she asked softly... he pressed his lips against her temple and held her close as he whispered out..

"Loving me."

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