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"How you holding up honey?" an older woman asked as she walked up to Meredith's desk at work a month later.. Meredith yawned a little and looked up..

"I'm fine." She sighed "Just these nausea waves are killing me."

"I remember." She smiled "But they'll be over before you know it."

"Ick." She groaned as she put her hand over her mouth and tried to choke down the forced feeling in her throat squeezing her eyes shut and taking in a deep breath.. "I don't know how much more of this I can do."

"Unfortunately." The woman laughed "You're stuck now."

"I know." Meredith rolled her eyes and looked at the clock seeing it was getting late but still had a few more hours of work.. when she got home she had a paper to write, she was starting to wonder what she was thinking..

What she was thinking however, was that she was glad that the billing was in the basement of the hospital she had her clinicalship at, and that her boss was very flexible on her.. the only drawbacks were the late nights and currently.. the nausea too.. morning sickness more so only it didn't happen in the morning.

However, as uncomfortable as being pregnant was.. despite their current stressful situation she couldn't be happier. She had a part of Derek growing inside of her and just the thought of that caused a jump in her chest and tingles down her arms.. she heard the door open and looked up to see him walk in looking out of breath.. she smiled and looked at him curiously hoping nothing was wrong..

"Hey." She frowned slightly "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." He smiled as he walked up to the desk and kissed her on the cheek "I just brought you some things."

"Things?" she asked curiously noticing the bag in his hand..

"Things." He smiled as he set the bag on the desk "Some soup for dinner with saltine crackers, lemon drops and ginger tea for the nausea."

"Derek." She smiled feeling herself blush "You didn't have to."

"It was no trouble." He smiled..

"Right." She said putting her hand on her hip and narrowing her eyes at him "No trouble? So the fact that our only car is being serviced in the shop, meaning you're on foot today, you just got out of class twenty minutes ago, and have another in twenty-five, meaning again you hauled ass to get here just to bring me some tea."

"It was no trouble." He said through his grin.. "But you're already acting like an overprotective mother.. and its hot." She rolled her eyes and giggled as he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss..

"Thank you." She smiled..

"I just want to help you as much as I can.. I know you feel miserable and I don't like that there's nothing I can do." He says softly.. she feels tears stinging her eyes as she bites her bottom lip and hears from behind the counter..

"Honey, you are one lucky girl.. I had to fight my husband to change diapers much less bring me cravings." The woman gasped.. Meredith giggled with a slight nod and Derek put his arm around Meredith's waist and kissed her temple as he smiled..

"I'm the lucky one."

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