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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" the man on the table asked..

"Trust me." Derek grumbled as he squirted the jelly into the tray "I've done about a hundred of these this week so I think I know what I'm doing by now."

"Ouch, who did you piss off?" he chuckled and then yelped as Derek started the exam...

"I'll send your results to the lab, it shouldn't take long." He grumbles standing up and tossing his gloves in the trash as he washes his hands..

He sighs as he grabs the lab work and walks out of the curtain and hands the lab work to the nurse... he starts heading back to see if there were anymore patients in need of services down in the PIT when he gets to the curtain he starts hearing giggling... he hears a light moan as well and frowns wondering what sicko is doing this in a hospital bed in the middle of the ER and slides the curtain open quickly..

He looked into see two bodies, luckily still clothed tangled on the bed and both gasped as they sound of the curtain interrupted them.. Derek was startled as the two familiar faces looked wide eyed at him and sat up..

"Sorry." He mutters "Didn't mean to interrupt."

He turns on his heels and rushes down the hall feeling his blood pressure rise a little at catching Mark in the same act he was told not to do earlier that week. He knew that life as an intern would be tough but he didn't think that it would be this bad.. he stepped into the stairwell when he heard his name called and turned around to see Mark come in after him..


"Mark." He scowls "I didn't mean to interrupt you and your wife I wasn't aware it was only an intern thing."

"Ok look I wasn't fair to you before."

"You weren't." he mutters as he crosses his arms

"I admit I was harsh and I'm sorry."

"So does this mean I don't have to do rectals anymore?" he grumbles..

"No." Mark grins "But it means you get to kiss your wife."

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