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After just barely a 24 hour hospital stay to make sure that mommy and the little 8 pound 2 ounce baby were in good health they were released to go home. Meredith was relieved that Miss Emily waited until after graduation to arrive into the world.

She couldn't imagine having to do finals and taking the board exams as well as recovering from childbirth. Not that it was a horrible birth, but at the same time glad she didn't come too much later being as big as she was at 37 weeks.. possibly a due date miscalculation.

As much pain as she had been in, as soon as Addison placed her on her chest she felt everything go away and just looked into the face of her little baby and suddenly the world she was in shifted as she looked mesmerized by this little being that her and Derek had created together.

She seemed to be a perfect mixture of both of them. She had a light brown layer of hair with a slight curl to it that Meredith was sure would stick. She had a delicate face like Meredith's but with Derek's lips and for sure her wide deep ocean blue eyes were his without a doubt or argument. She was calm a lot, not grumpy or colicky at all a lot like Derek, but when she was upset she had quite the temper just like her mommy.

They laid in bed together with their 5 day old baby sleeping soundly in the middle of them and they both just stared watching as her chest rose up and down. Both amazed at the fact that they made this little life together and how amazing and perfect she was even in not doing anything more than breathing.

"I love you." Meredith whispered out finally taking her eyes off her daughter and looking across her at her husband..

"I love you too." He smiled.. his eyes glistened with the beginning of tears and looked at her with overflowing love "You have brought me so.. so much joy Meredith.. after everything I've been through I didn't think I would ever feel this way about anything or anyone... you've brought me so much joy.. thank you so much."

"I should thank you too." She smiled back.. "I thought that I would waste away until I died.. I didn't want to live anymore.. but you gave me a reason to live again.. and now.. we have a daughter and I.. I feel like I've never felt before."

He smiled as he reached over the baby and put his hand on her cheek softly stroking her skin with his thumb.. she closed her eyes at his touch and smiled as she leaned her lips into his palm and gave him a kiss...

She laid her hand gently on Emily's chest feeling it rise and fall, he placed his hand over hers and they stared at each other marveling in the moment that they wished would last forever until finally exhaustion overtook them both and they fell into a peaceful sleep.

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