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"Mer." Derek says as he knocks on the door of the bathroom "Are you about ready?"

"Um.. I need a few more minutes, this costume isn't going on right.. so just go ahead without me." She calls out..

"I don't mind waiting." He says with a sigh as he looks in the mirror across the room and puts his cap on.. smoothing out his sailor uniform.

"Derek, go I'll be fine and catch up I just need a few minutes."

"I can wait Mer, I-"

"GO!" she shouts out.. Derek frowns a little wondering why she was being so snappy and shook his head..

"Ok, I'll go." He mumbles out..

He really didn't want to leave her.. he wanted to stay and make their grand entrance together but he knew she was stressed out from school and frustrated with her costume, so he just decided to let it slide and hope that this party helped her to unwind a little and relax.

He walked over to Mark and Addison's door hearing loud music coming from inside. He knocked loudly hoping that someone would hear and waited a few minutes before the door opened but was surprised to not see it was either of them. There stood a thin brunette wearing a skanky cat costume, she looked a little taken back and then smiled widely..

"Well hello sailor." She giggled.. "You here for the party?"

"No I just look like this all the time." He winked back.. she let out a giggle and let him in the apartment already packed with people and a DJ at the back end of it..

"So I'm Vicky, I work with the Sloan's at the hospital."

"Derek." He said shaking her hand "I live next door."

"Oh nice." She smiled "Maybe you'll have to show me your apartment later."

"Uh." Derek blushed feeling slightly uncomfortable "It's the same as this one really."

"So what kind of drink can I get you?" she asked persistently..

"Oh none yet thank you." He smiled politely.. looking around for Mark or even Addison hoping that Meredith got there soon..

"Come on.. you need to loosen up a little now." She giggled "You're way too hot to be all uptight."

"Excuse-" was all he got out before she jumped him, planting a kiss on his lips.. he stumbled back a little and looked at her with shock..

"See, a little more of that and we'll have you loose in no time." She smirked..

He opened his mouth to protest when he glanced over her shoulder and felt ghostly white to see Meredith having just walked in the door and hoped that she hadn't seen the kiss but the look on her face told him otherwise.. He felt frozen as she started walking towards him..

She brushed past Vicky causing her to stumble back and put her hands on the sides of Derek's face and pulled him in for a deep tongue sliding, toe curling kiss.. he felt breathless as she pulled back and turned to see the shocked and annoyed look on Vicky's face and smirked..

"He likes a little more force, some hair tugging and the moaning happens when you suck on his bottom lip in just the right way." Meredith said with a raise of her eyebrow.. Derek felt shocked not sure where this was going as Meredith put her left hand against his chest and leaned into him as she wiggled her ring finger "Oh and I guess this probably helps a little too."

Vicky's eyes widened ten times as her mouth dropped open and she looked back and forth between Meredith and Derek before turning quickly and rushing off through the crowd.. Meredith smirked feeling slight amusement and turned to look at Derek..

"You're not mad?" he asked still surprised..

"Should I be?" she asked raising her brow..

"No." he frowned..

"Will it help the situation?" she asked


"Will it make things better?"


"Will it make you feel better?"

"Definitely not."

"Ok then." She says with a shrug.. he wraps his arm around her waist and smiles at her lovingly..

"This.. is why I love you."

She lets out a giggle as he leans in and softly places a kiss on her lips.. they look up and see Mark and Addison headed towards them wearing matching tarzan costumes..

"Meredith." Mark gasps "You look sooo h.." he starts to say when Derek and Addison both look at him he clears his throat and nods "Good.. very good... makes me want to join the navy."

"She could be my drill sergeant any day." Derek chuckles.. Meredith giggles and gives him a swat..

"What do you mean COULD BE?" she teases.. they all laugh and Meredith starts feel a little dizzy and the loud noise is giving her a little headache.. they guys keep laughing but Addison notices something is off..

"Mer?" she asks "Are you ok, honey you look a little pale."

"Yeah." She says as Derek looks at her concerned "Just tired."

"She's been working her ass off lately." Derek explains as he pulls her into him giving her a kiss on the head.. Meredith lets him hold her trying to feel at ease but looks at Addison with worry in her eyes.. Addison gives her a slight look of shock but doesn't say anything as Mark pipes in..

"Well maybe you just need a beer to kick back to."

"Ohhh no!" Addison yelps, they all look at her confused as she grabs Meredith's arm and pulls her into her "If I cant drink neither can you." She smirks "Someone has to sympathize."

Before Mark and Derek could get a word in Addison pulled Meredith off to the bedroom, leaving them to start drinking it up and acting stupid as usual.. Soon as they were in there she shut the door behind them and gasped as she looked at Meredith..

"Oh my god!"

"I know." Meredith sighs as she sinks onto the bed and cringes..

"Does Derek know?"

"No." Meredith says widening her eyes.. "I.. I just found out like 10 minutes ago. Shit, how did this happen?!"

"Meredith." Addison giggled..

"Ok I know how this happened.. I mean how did this happen."

"Were you not being careful?"

"Yes." She frowned and then remembered "Oh crap."

"Uh huh." Addison smirked..

"Oh god.. I thought.. I didn't think it was the right time of month to worry.. shit.. Derek is going to kill me!"

"Oh Meredith." Addison smiled as she sat down next to her on the bed and put her arm around her "Honey, he's not going to kill you, he loves you."

"Yeah?" Meredith asked worried.

"Yes." She smiled.. "And FYI.. you can get pregnant at any time of the month."

"You know that would have been helpful before the fact." Meredith mumbled.. they both say there in silence letting out a sigh.. and glanced over at Addison "You look hot by the way."

"You do too." She giggled..

"We're a couple of hot pregnant women." Meredith giggled "I had to squeeze into my costume, I'm so damn bloated."

"Oh, you and me both." She giggled..

They both laughed until they were in tears at the irony of the moment before getting up and joining the life of the party trying to figure out clever ways to keep the news to themselves for now.

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