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Mark is standing at the nurses station desk going over a chart for his morning surgery as he sips on his cappuccino.. he sees something out of the corner of his eye and looks up to see Meredith walking up, her arms crossed over her chest and a tightened jaw as she narrows her eyes at him..

"Uh oh." He mumbles "This cant be good."

"Its not." She mutters.

"I cant imagine why you'd be upset with me, you've been in practically all of my surgeries."

"I know!" she scowls "And yet I haven't done anything."

"You've done plenty, you're very knowledgeable Meredith, you get right in there and show everyone what you're made of.. a natural really."

"Derek." She mutters "Derek has done everything you have asked and more, and yet he's still knitting skin together in the pit."

"Yeah." He cringes slightly "But Derek has a newborn, he's sleep deprived."

"Are you seriously that stupid or have you just lost your mind." She scowls "I am just as sleep deprived as he is and yet I've been in the OR all damn week."

"Yeah well I want you on my good side, all those raging hormones will get my ass kicked." He rambles out.. she cocks her jaw and raises and eye brow..

"Mark." She mutters "Put Derek in the OR, he's earned it."

"Meredith its not that simple.. I mean I really need someone down in the pit."

"And one of the three stooges cant do it?"

"Then who would get my dry cleaning and my lunch."

"You do realize that this is a teaching hospital?" she glares..

"And you're learning lots aren't you." He grins..

"You are impossible." She mutters "And I will kick your ass, lucky for you inside the hospital you're my boss.. lucky for me you're my neighbor and your wife is my best friend."

"You wouldn't." He says shaking his head nervously..

"Derek. OR. Now." She mutters before walking off in a huff.. Mark lets out a sigh and shakes his head as he grabs a nurse walking by..

"Page Dr. Derek Shepherd and tell him to scrub in at 2 o'clock in OR 4." He sighs...

"Right away Dr. Sloan." She says before scurrying off..

"Sloan!" he hears behind him and turns to see a tall man in a white coat and a dashing smile walking up to him..

"Dr. Carter." He smiles "What can I do for you?"

"I apologize but I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between you and your intern and I have to say I'm a little surprised."

"Why is that?"

"She seemed to be walking all over you.. I mean how do you accept that kind of behavior."

"Easy." Mark sighs with a slight smirk "She really can kick my ass."

Say when Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora