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"I cant do this." Meredith sniffled as she clutched tightly to the baby in her arms..

"Yes you can." Derek sighed "We went over this.. it's a good day center here in the hospital.. its got the top childcare workers here and its in the middle of the hospital for god sakes.. she'll be fine."

"But what if she starts to miss me."

"She's two months old Meredith, she will be fine for a few hours until we get a break."

"I know." She sniffled again.. "I just don't want to leave her."

"I don't either baby." He said trying to soothe her "But do you want to stand here holding a baby all day or do you want to start being a doctor?" she just looks at him chewing her lip and he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration "Meredith we're going to be late."

"I know.. and I'm really sorry maybe you should go without me."

"No." he sighed "We started this together, we're starting internship together.. say goodbye to Emily, I'm taking her in."

"Ok." Meredith mumbled reluctantly.. she gave Emily a long lingering kiss and whispered "Goodbye baby mommy loves you."

Derek scooped her out of Meredith's arms and gave her a few kisses as he walked her into the doors of the day center.. when he walked out Meredith was still wiping away tears, he walked up to her and wrapped his large strong arms around her small body feeling it shake and ran his hand up and down her back as he held her tightly and kissed her hair softly..

"Its ok." He whispered "But we should go, I mean I'm sure our resident will understand but still."

"Yeah." She sniffled as she took in a deep breath and let it out "Somehow I doubt that."

They walk into the locker rooms and quickly change into their blue scrubs.. Meredith hurries out into the hallway after hearing her name called with a few other of the interns and stands with the small group of girls all talking about the guys in their group.. she rolls her eyes and then hears them all gasp..

"Oh god that one is adorable!" one of them exclaims.. "God those eyes are screaming fuck me."

"Oh honey get in line!" another one giggles.. Meredith looks up to see who they were gawking about and feels a tingle of jealousy before its washed away as he smirks at her and does a little wink.

"I guess we both better get in line." The first one smirks "Looks like he's got his eye on you honey.. you should be lucky! He's hot!"

"Yeah." Meredith shrugs "I guess."

They stop gabbering when they see Derek walking up keeping eye contact with Meredith and all hold their breath to see what is going to happen when he takes her hands in his and pulls her into him and smiles..

"You look good in blue." He smirks..

"So do you." She says trying to hide her smirk and ignore the wide eyed looks coming from the other girls..

"Well my beautiful wife, you look pretty damn good in anything." He smirks..

She hears the other girls gasp as he leans in and gives her a long drudging kiss.. as they come up for air they hear a loud throat clear and Meredith jumps startled and turns to stand at attention looking wide eyed and flushed cheeked at their resident.

"I have one rule." He says as he raises a finger "I hate interns.. that's not gonna change. Welcome to hell kids." Meredith rolls her eyes but tries to act intimidated ignoring the wink that he just gave her.. "You three." He says pointing at the other two girls and the other guy in the group "Go stand against the wall and stay handy I have dry cleaning I need picked up.. you my lovely lady." He smirks at Meredith as he hands her a chart "Can prep my patient for surgery."

"Seriously." She mumbles in shock expecting to be doing grunge work all day if not all week.

"Seriously unless you want me to pick someone else." He smirks..

"Right." She nods "On my way." She flips the chart open as she reads over it heading off down the hall.. he turns standing in front of Derek and crosses his arms over his chest as he gives him a narrow look..

"That's not going to happen here hot lips."

"What?" Derek frowns "I cant kiss my wife."

"When you're here, on MY clock.. she's not your wife anymore. She's your fellow intern and I wont have you feeling her up in the hallways."

"You cant be serious." Derek frowns.. Mark raises his brow and gives him a grin..

"Not as serious as I am about you getting to do rectals today."

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