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Derek walked defeatedly into class that morning worried about his paper. He was a good student and knew that there was a possibility that his professor would let him have another day on it so he could have the time to type it up again. But he also knew that this wasn't grammer school it was medical school and real life, so there was a possibility that he was shit out of luck.

He sat down in his seat unable to get to his professor before class he would just have to talk to him afterwards.. he took his books out of his bag and notebook and opened them up when he did a double take and let out a gasp seeing his perfectly typed out paper resting securely in his notebook. He stared at it in disbelief reading it over and over again wondering how in the world it got there, and looking as if it were untouched.

He went through the scenario's in his tired frustrated mind throughout class but was relieved to have been able to turn it in on time when class ended.. He was still thinking about it when he walked out of class and towards his car to go home and try to get some rest before his clinicalship that afternoon.. he heard his phone go off and startle his trance as he picked it up.


"Hey man, how was class?" Mark asked..

"It was.. weird." Derek frowned "Good but weird."

"Ok." Mark chuckled "Hey I just wanted to call and see if Meredith got home okay last night."

"What?" Derek asked confused... "She was at your house last night?"

"Yeah, she came over to type up a paper.. I thought I heard her leave at about 1 am but I wanted to make sure she made it home ok." Derek stood there jaw dropped and baffled as he felt all the puzzle pieces coming together and guilt kicked in as well as disbelief that she would do something like that and how amazing she was.. "Derek?"

"Oh." He sighed finally collecting his thoughts "Yeah.. she was in the shower this morning when I left so she made it home ok."

"Alright good, I gotta go but man you've got a pretty amazing wife."

"Yes." He smiled "I do."

He hung up the phone and tossed his things into the car before taking off only instead of heading home he went down the street to the hospital. He hurried in and up to the oncology floor where they were on rotation that week.. he started looking up and down the halls for her when he spotted the group of med students standing waiting for their professor to get back from lunch.. he saw her cover her mouth as she let out a big yawn and sighed feeling guilty as he walked towards her..

She felt someone grab her and turn her around, before she could look she felt his lips crash up against hers and she relaxed into him as her arms slid around his neck. He finally pulled away from her and smiled down as he looked into her surprised face..

"I love you so much." He said softly.. she smiled realizing he must have found the paper..

"I love you too so much." She said with a tired giggle.

"You really didn't have to." He said with a sigh feeling bad that she was up so late.

"I wanted to." She said "You worked hard on it, and I know it was an accident but I felt bad."

"Ok." He smiled and glanced over her shoulder to see the professor walking up and let out a sigh "Well I wont keep you and longer." He kissed her forehead and started to walk off when he felt her hand grab onto his arm and she gasped..

"Wait!" .. he turned back to her to see a wide eyed grin on her face..

"What?" he frowned.. "what is it?"

"Oh my god." She giggled.. "I.. I can feel it."

"Feel what?" he frowned.. she closed her eyes and smiled as she put her hand over her small belly and he looked at her surprised before feeling a grin cross his face as well..

"Seriously?" he smiled..

"Yes." She smiled feeling another light flutter in her stomach.. she took his hand and put it over her stomach and smiled "Can you feel it?"

"No." he smiled "But I'm happy that you can."

"Oh god Derek, I wish you could feel this its so amazing." She whispered.. he put his arm around her and kissed her head and smiled..

"I am already feeling something amazing."

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