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"Does anyone have the red body paint?" Meredith called out to the rest of the roomful of girls...

"Yeah honey right here." Kitty replied holding it up... Meredith looked up relieved and walked over to her..

"Oh thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you." She gasped gratefully...

"Probably out fucking the boss." They heard... they all looked over to see Mimi strapping on her heels...

"Excuse me?" Meredith asked with a dropped expression...

"I said you would probably be out fucking the boss, I mean why else would you be all you are."

"Shut the fuck up Mimi you don't know what you're talking about, she's good and everyone here knows it." Coco defended...

"Yeah I'm sure she's good in bed too... hey why don't we go ask boss I'm sure he'd know." Mimi replied giving Meredith a threatening look...

"Mimi I don't know what's going on but I think you better stop now." Meredith mumbled out slowly, nervously feeling her gut start to knot...

"Oh you know what I'm talking about.. and don't deny it, I know what I saw."

"What the hell are you squawking about!" Cookie retorted "You heard her... stop!"

"Why! Because she's afraid I'll tell everyone that I saw her and boss in a heated lip lock earlier?!" Mimi hissed out...

Meredith stood there feeling numb, the room spinning around her again...

"Ok you really need to stop Meredith would never do that!" Kitty retorted... they all looked at Meredith who stared at Mimi blankly..."Meredith?"

"Tell them." Mimi hissed "Tell them how you are fucking the boss for an advancement, tell them that that you've got him wrapped around your little finger, that you're fucking him for money... tell them Meredith!"

Meredith stood there feeling her breath starting to get cut off and her heart pounding in her chest as all the faces around her looked at her confused and threatened... she gasped and grabbed her purse darting out of the room... she ran down the hallway and for the back stairs...

"Meredith!" she heard called out behind her... "Meredith stop!"

"I cant." She gasped reaching the bottom of the stairs and feeling out of breath she stopped to catch it..

"Meredith please stop!" she looked up to see Cookie practically tripping down the stairs in her heels... "Mer what is going on? You've never been afraid of Mimi before, why are you running now."

"I just... I cant." She panted out...

"Oh god." Cookie gasped "Its true!"

"No!" Meredith gasped shaking her head "I mean... yes but not like... not like she said... its just... I never did anything for anything."

"How long?"

"Two months." She said meekly...

"Honey why didn't you say anything?"

"Because!" she shouted "I didn't want anyone to think I was just fucking him for money, or advancement, or anything like that! And guess what... it happened anyways!"

"Mer, its ok, it'll all be ok maybe not for Mimi but to hell with her anyway.. they'd understand."

"No." Meredith whimpered as she started to cry and stood up straight "I cant."

She turned and ran down the rest of the stairs and out the door into the night... Cookie looked after her hopeless feeling helpless for her... she knew that Meredith was under a lot of stress lately and the whole scene last night...

She wanted to do something but not knowing what... she shook her head turning to go back up the stairs and gasped being met with a pair of deep hardened blue eyes staring at her from the top of the stairs...

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