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"Ah, finally done!" Derek sighed out as he walked through the door looking to see Meredith look up from the table from studying that night, she was glad to have had it off, no classes and work either.. she needed to study and.. rest.

"What?" she asked..

"My essay for tomorrow's class." He said "I finished it and typed it up at the library." He grinned proudly as he set it on the table..

"Good job." She smiled as she picked it up looking over it.. "It looks great."

"I feel great about it." He smiled "How are you feeling?" he asked leaning over kissing the top of her head..

"Ick." She grumbled.. "I'm just glad I'm getting a breather today."

"I am too." He smiled as he walked over to the refrigerator.. "So are you feeling hungry at all maybe I could cook up some chicken, or I think we have the stuff to make lasagna or here's some fish."

"Oh god!" she gagged.. she turned her head just in time to make it halfway to the garbage can sitting next to her and threw up into it.. Derek grabbed a cloth and wet it down with cold water and walked over to her wiping off her face as she gasped for air...

"I'm sorry." She sniffled "It just comes without warning."

"Its ok." He smiled "I'm going to be a doctor I need to be used to a little vomit."

"Oh god." She gasped out as tears welled in her eyes "Derek I'm so sorry."

"Mer, honey I said it was ok."

"No." she sniffled as she picked up his paper that was wet down with spilled water and vomit.. he looked at it feeling his insides twist as he pressed his lips together trying to remain calm, and not think about the 3 hours he spent writing it out.. she tried to wipe it off the best she could but the paper was stained and the ink smudged... she sniffled and let out a sob "I'm sorry."

"Its ok baby, you didn't mean to." He said softly as he took the paper and tossed in the recycle bin "I'll just see if Professor Marcles will let me have another day on it."

"I know I didn't mean to but I feel terrible." She sniffled "You worked so hard on it and I ruined it."

"Hey, hey." He said kneeling in front of her brushing the hair back out of her face and looked at her softly "You don't ruin anything for me, and don't ever think that.. you are my wife, whom I love more than anything in the world. And you're carrying my baby inside of you, and I cant be happier for that. Its just a paper.. it can be redone." He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.. "How about we both go get some rest."

"Ok." She nodded..

They both went into the bedroom and laid down together snuggling as the wears of the day both sunk into them.. Derek fell asleep quickly, exhausted to the max.. Meredith wanted to but she kept feeling guilty and couldn't seem to fall asleep.. she closed her eyes when something popped in her head and she opened her eyes..

She looked over at her snoozing husband and slid out from under his arm and snuck out of the bedroom.. she walked into the kitchen taking the paper out of the recycle bin and then grabbed a can of ginger ale out of the refrigerator and walked out the door. Closing it quietly behind her.. she walked to the door next door and knocked on it hoping they hadn't gone to sleep yet.. she heard footsteps and the door opened..

"Hey Mer." Mark said sleepily..

"Hey." She said softly.. "Sorry did I wake you?"

"Its fine." He said with a shrug "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." She nodded "I just.. there's this paper due tomorrow and I spilt something all over it so I was wondering if I could use your computer to retype it.. I promise not to bother you."

"You're no bother." He smiled as he opened the door and let her in.. the apartment was dark and Addison was already sleeping, she felt bad to wake him up but he showed her to the computer and turned it on for her.. "You need anything?"

"No thank you." She smiled "I'll just let myself out."

"Ok." Mark smiled "Don't stay up too late, you need rest."

She gave him a grateful nod and he went back to bed.. she let out a sigh of relief as she looked over at the paper and started typing the words on it hoping that her little vomit attacks would leave her be until she finished.

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