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Derek wanted the proposal to be perfect, so when looking for a place to do it he did a little research. It was difficult knowing Meredith had been and done a lot and there was little that she hadn't experienced, also he didn't have a huge spending budget either.  He knew that she liked the outdoors and having lived in large cities most her life she didn't get to experience much.. so he decided on Parson's Garden in Seattle.

Meredith was mesmerized by the scenery as they walked along the path headed towards the lawn

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Meredith was mesmerized by the scenery as they walked along the path headed towards the lawn. There were hundreds of different kinds of plants and the different colors of flowers captivated her.. he led her down the lawn to under a large oak tree and set out a blanket for them to sit on and eat their picnic lunch.

"God Derek this is beautiful." She gasped..

"So are you." He smiled

"I know I'm a city girl, but I cant believe how comfortable I am here.. its just.. gorgeous."

"You don't have to be a certain way to enjoy something amazing." He smiled as they started to eat..

"Its just amazing.. I almost hope that some day I have a garden like this one." She smiles..

"Maybe you will." He smiles "But we may have to hire a gardener because I definitely wont be volunteering to mow the lawn."

"Agreed." She giggled shaking her head.. "Thank you for taking me here Derek.. its amazing."

"You my love are amazing." He smiles "This garden is only a mere fraction of that."

She smiles lovingly at him feeling her cheeks blush and he reaches in the basket as they finish up their meal and pulls out a small cupcake with a single candle sticking out of it.. she giggles as he lights it..

"Happy birthday my love.. make a wish and blow it out."

"Only if you do too."

"Ok." He smiled as they both leaned in to the candle and blew out the small flame. He smiled and looked into her sparkling eyes and asked "So what did you wish for."

"What?" she giggled "I cant tell you, it wont come true."

"That is just a silly superstition now.. come on.. tell me yours and I'll tell you mine. Worst case scenario is we'll both be shit out of luck."

"Ok." She giggled "I was just thinking that.. since I've met you, it's the happiest I've ever been. And I know we've had our problems but every day I get up I just keep loving you more.. and my wish is that it will last forever." Derek smiles as he feels a flutter in his chest.. "So what was yours?"

"My wish." He said with a smile "Is that you'll be my wife." She looks at him wondering if he was just playing around but sees a serious look in his eyes as he takes her hand "Since I met you I've found all my dreams coming true, and what I came to realize is that.. my dream, is you." She sits there stunned unable to move and watches as he pulls a small black box out of his pocket and cracks it out "Meredith Grey, will you marry me?"

She feels her numb face start to thaw into a teary smile and her lips beginning to shake as he tilts his head looking at her adoringly..

"Yes!" she squeaks out as she throws her arms around him and plants her lips against his.. he breaths a sigh of relief and excitement as he kisses her back before pulling back and sliding the ring on her tiny finger... "So is this why you've been so secretive lately?"

"Maybe." He smiles..

"I cant believe this." She smiles "I mean I've wanted this for so long but with our finances I didn't think it was possible."

"I know." He smiled "And I'm sorry things are so tight.. but you don't have to worry.. I took a job the last month trying to make some extra money so that I could buy you a ring.. and I have to admit that it was a lot nicer ring... it was.. perfect.. I wanted to buy you something as beautiful as you are. But then you needed the books, and I just wanted to make you happy.. so.. I hope that this one is ok for now."

She feels her heart melting in her chest and her eyes glossing over.. she puts her hands on his cheeks and leans in softly kissing him moving her hands into his raven locks and smiles against his lips and whispers..

"Its perfect."

"You sure?" he asks..

"The love you put into it.. makes it perfect.. and I would be just as happy with a piece of string tied around my finger Derek.. it doesn't matter the size of the diamond or any diamond at all.. Its perfect because I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles giving her another soft kiss..

"I'm a little relieved actually." She smiles..

"Why is that?"

"Because I went against the rules.. I sort of got you something too."

"Meredith." He gasped giving her a worried look..

"There was this necklace.. that was my mothers... and I.. I'd always wanted it because she never let me touch it.. and then she gave it to me when I graduated college... and when she left me it was all I had of her.. but I never wore it.. and I kind of hated it... so I sort of sold it."

"Mer." He said shaking his head.. she put a smile on her face and pulled the box out of her purse and handed it to him..

"Happy birthday." She smiled.. He shook his head and pulled the ribbon off the box and then opened it...

He gasped with surprise as he looked at the gift and pulled it out of the box, he thought it was the best looking watch he'd ever seen and smiled thinking about how much she'd put into it.. he noticed some engraving on the back and looked at it feeling his heart leap in his chest and looked at her and smiled..

"You're my sunshine too."

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