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"So how is Josh." Derek grumbled as Meredith walked in the apartment that evening to find him sitting on the couch nursing a beer...

"Josh is fine I guess.. why would I know."

"I figure him giving you a ride home the last week you would have gotten to know him better... especially when he sits next to you in class as well."

"Jealous much?" She asked as she shot him a warning look and put her things on the table walked over sitting next to him on the couch..

"I'm sorry." He grumbled out..

"No you're not." She said taking his beer and sipping it before handing it back "Lets be honest and avoid the fighting thing."

"Meredith I'm trying not to be jealous." He mumbled "But the guy seems to be going out of his way to spend time with you.. and well.. guys don't do that to be nice.. guys do that to get to know you so they can get in your pants."

"Derek please." She said rolling her eyes "Josh isn't like that.. he's just being nice.. I was a stripper in New York trust me I know when a guy is trying to get into my pants."

"There are a lot of different kind of guys honey." He said concerned.. she rolled her eyes..

"You're being ridiculous."

They went to bed that night making sweet love, she fell asleep comfortably in his arms while he had a tad harder time finding comfort enough to sleep... finally he felt his thoughts settle on something and fell asleep holding the woman he loved most, tightly...

The next morning Meredith got ready quickly for class noticing Derek gone and having written her his usual note on the mirror... she hurried to school not wanting to be late for class since they only had one more before the final and rushed down the hall when she heard someone call her name..

"Meredith!" she stopped and turned around seeing Josh rushing to catch up..


"Hey." He smiles with a sparkle in his eyes.. Meredith feels a little uncomfortable at the way he's looking at her but she shrugs it off... "So you ready for this class?"

"Yeah." She smiled "I really hope that Dr. Johnson gives us something more to go on, I feel like I'm going into it blindly."

"You're not the only one." He chuckles...

Before they step to walk into class Meredith suddenly feels an arm wrap around her and she feels pulled into a set of lips.. she closes her eyes recognizing the fit and smiles before softly pulling away and clashing with a pair of blue eyes...

"Hi." She smiles..

"Hello." He smiled back..

"What are you doing here?"

"I was wanting to wish you good luck before your last non-final class." He grinned..

"Oh." She smiled suspiciously... he glanced out of the corner of his eye and she looked over to see Josh still standing there uncomfortably... "Um.. Josh this is Derek.. Derek.. Josh."

"Hello." Derek said giving him an arrogant grin extending his hand..

"Hi." Josh said shaking it quickly.. they exchanged something of a competitive glance that didn't go unnoticed by Meredith but she shook it off again...

"So Josh I'll be right there."

"Ok." He nodded and walked into the class room.. she turned to Derek and narrowed her eyes slightly..

"So this is a part of the jealous boyfriend thingy?" she asked..

"You know." He smiled pulling her closer to him "Most women find it as a turn on."

"I never said I didn't." she giggled "But I also said you didn't have anything to worry about."

"Maybe I don't." he said softly before leaning in and giving her a soft lingering kiss and pulls away smiling "Or maybe I should just make an honest woman out of you."

She feels her face fall in shock at what just came out of his luscious lips and he leans in planting a soft kiss on her forehead before tapping her ass lightly with his fingers..

"Have a good class Mer." He says before walking off whistling to himself..

Meredith knows she has to get in class but her eyes are still glued to the retreating figure knowing full and well that he just left her in a shamble of a mental state.. how in the hell was she supposed to focus on class now? Or more importantly why would she care about the class or anyone in it.. which perhaps was his plan.

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