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Meredith looked over seeing Derek's mouth stretch open in a yawn and slowly shook her head with an eye roll..

"Derek." She mumbled "You've been driving for 2 days straight with only a few stops just let me drive."

"I'm fine." He smiled as he reached over and gave her leg a squeeze..

"So am I, I wont break if you let me take the wheel for a few hours so you can catch some sleep."

"Baby its ok, you need rest more than I do."

"I've been getting close to 2 weeks of rest I think I'm full.. you on the other hand are on empty so pull the car over I'm driving!"

He couldn't help but smile, he loved it when she got irritated and he could hear her Boston roots coming out in her voice..

He sighed and slowly pulled to the side of the highway.. they got out and stretched their legs before switching seats... he leaned over giving her a sweet soft kiss before laying his seat back and falling asleep as soon as his eyes lids closed..

She giggled and shook her head as she pulled onto the highway and drove on towards Seattle following the navigation system in the car...

She knew it would be weird for two med students to have such a nice car considering most are struggling to be there... and she knew that their days of struggle were coming to them but Derek seemed to make sure he took care of everything effectively.. not wanting to settle for something that wouldn't last...

She look in a deep happy breath of air and looked over at the love of her life... her face fell as she noticed even in his sleep the deep dark circles around his eyes and the long crevices in his face caused from stress...

She felt guilt fill her gut knowing she'd caused it... she bit her lip and fought away the tears as she looked out the windshield and made a promise to herself that with this new start, she'd be a new Meredith.. one that he wont have to worry about.

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