Chapter 41

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A month and a half later...


"I'm so excited Angel. I can't wait to see our baby for the first time," I said and kissed her temple.

She grinned up at me. "Me too."

"Mr. And Mrs. Henderson. Are you ready to hear your baby's heartbeat, the doctor asked as she came in.

"Yes," we said at the same time.

A lot has happened over the last few months. When I thought that there was nothing else that can be done regarding my brain tumour, I was devastated. But not because of myself. But because of my angel. My life was worth living because I had her in it. If I didn't have my angel, I would have been okay. I would have been more accepting of my fate. It may sound odd to other people, but that's just how I feel because my angel was right. My life was empty before her... I went home to an empty house, and slept on an empty bed.

But then my angel came back into my life and gave me the will to live, and the strength to fight.

My angel is my reason for living. She saved me. She's the reason I fought so hard to live. Because suddenly, my life has meaning. It wasn't empty anymore.

Now here we are. My angel is pregnant with our first baby and we're about to see the life growing inside of her.

Thank god for second chances.

After I woke up from the surgery, the doctors ran a few more tests to make sure everything was okay. Thankfully everything was looking great. I was able to go home a week later, although I had to stay in Italy for another week before I was finally declared fit to travel.

Zarah and our families has been supportive the whole time.

My recovery time was pretty quick. I think it's because I had my angel to take care of me.

Sometimes, I still can't believe that we have actually made it. After that ordeal, I feel like Zarah and I can overcome any obstacle thrown our way.

After everything we have been through, our love for each has grown stronger. We learned to appreciate each other more. We learned to love each other better. But above all that, we learned to have faith not just in each other, but in our love for each other.

Love is about taking chances. But in order to take a chance, you've gotta have faith. Faith in yourself. Faith on the person that you love. Lastly, faith in your love.

I took a chance and finally listened to what my heart was telling me, that night at the opera. And that was the best decision I had ever made.

"Thank you angel," I said and kissed her tenderly on her lips, as we listen to our baby's heartbeat.

"You're welcome daddy," she smiled.

"Oh, wait a minute..." The doctor said.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

The doctor smiled. "Well... It seems like there's another heartbeat, she said. "Hold on, let me get a clearer picture here... Oh, there it is," she said, pointing to what seemed like another peanut. "Congratulations mommy and daddy! You are definitely having twins."

"Twins?" I asked in astonishment.

"I guess, I should have told you twins run in our family huh?" Zarah said sheepishly.

"I... I assumed it was on Ara's side..."

Zarah giggled.

Two babies?

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