Chapter 37

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We arrived at twenty minutes to nine in the morning at Zio Alphonso's office.

At five minutes to nine, the secretary led us to one of the rooms and told us that Doctor Da Costa will be with us shortly.

A few moments later Zio Alphonso walked into the room.

"Bella," he greeted me. I stood up and gave him a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

"Zio, it's been a long time," I said.

"In deed. And you must be Zarah's boyfriend..."

"Fiancé," I corrected.

Jason chuckled and kissed my temple.

"Ah," Zio said with a smile on his face. "Per favore, siedit. Please sit," he said.

He then proceeded to look at Jason's file and asked him a bunch of questions, which he answered clearly.

He underwent a few tests and then we were asked to wait and come back after lunch to find out the results.

It was one thirty when we were back sitting in the room we were in before waiting anxiously for Zio to return with the test results.

I gave Jason's hand an encouraging squeeze.

I'm nervous as hell, but I didn't want to show Jason. So I focused on making sure, I was breathing as normal and calmly as I can. I didn't want to add to the nervousness he was already feeling.

Zio walked in a couple of minutes later.

"I've got your tests results and it's a go," he said without mincing words.

We both exhaled a sigh of relief.

We hugged each other and Jason kissed me tenderly.

"There are risks when it comes to procedures like this. Procedures like this aren't always successful, but when they are, people resume their normal lives. I have to be completely honest. This is one of the most difficult and dangerous procedures I've ever done. But with that being said, I have good faith that it will be a successful one. You are a strong young man. That works in your favour."

"What are the odds?" Jason asked.

"I would say, fifty-fifty."

Jason nodded.

"I also want you to know that there is also a possibility that you will come out of this being a vegetative state."

"What are the chances?" I asked.

"It's a possibility but the odds are in your favor."

At that moment, I don't know if I wanted to cry or be happy that at least the doctor can operate and there is a chance that Jason can live a long and happy life, but hearing about those odds. The possibility that he will die on the operating table or that there is a chance of him becoming a vegetable it makes me not want to go through with the procedure.

"We need to think about it..."

"Let's do it..."

Jason and I said at the same time.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Jason, no. The chances that... We need to talk about this you can't just decide..."

"Zarah," he said interrupting me. "I want to do this. I need to do this. There's a chance for me to live and have a normal life. I can't walk away from that. I need you to be strong for me. You and me. Together. Remember?"

Just One Night With You (Book 3 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now