Chapter 31

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I looked at the time and frowned.

He's late and he's not answering his phone.

What's going on?

Maybe he's just finishing up at the office.

He came in late today because of his headache.

Come to think of it, his headaches were occurring more frequently than they were nowadays.

I was starting to get worried. But then he said it was due to stress at the office and that that's just how he always was.

I told him to stay in bed this morning and just take a day off and catch up on sleep and rest, but he wouldn't have any of it. As soon as the meds kicked in, he was out the door.

Now he's late coming home and he's not answering his calls. He always calls to let me know what's going on. And he's never late coming home. I can't help but be worried sick.

I don't know why, but I just knew something was going on. I have this feeling deep in my gut that there's something bad that's happened. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I tried calling Jason again and finally he picked up on the second ring.

"Jason! I'm so worried about you. I've been trying to call you!"

"Sorry Angel. I just realized that my phone was on silent. I had an emergency I needed to take care off. I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm on my way home now, Angel," he said.

"You're okay?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Yes babe. I'm okay. Promise. I'm on my way home. I'll see you soon."

"Okay. See you soon and drive safe."

"Will do. Love you!"

"Love you too."

I breathe a sigh of relief.


I could tell that Zarah was really worried. I did forget to turn my ringer back on again after my check-up with doctor Nadeen.

Hearing her voice already made me feel better.

I can't wait to go home.

I hate lying to her, but I just can't tell her... At least not yet. I don't want this to spoil the happiness we have now.

I still can't believe that we're living together now. Well kind of. She still has her place, and her things are still there but we haven't been apart since our first night together.

It's funny how before Zarah, I never thought about living with a woman or even having a relationship. But with my angel, everything feels right.

We were living together and I fucking love it!

I still remember that night when I took her home to her place to pick up a few things so she can stay at my place.

I watched her put a few things and found that it wasn't nearly enough.

"You should pack more of your things," I said.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows in question.

I shrugged. "Well I was thinking you could leave some of these things at my place so that you have things there too... You know... I mean..."

She smiled. Dropped her bag on the bed and walked over to me.

She stood on her tip toes and kissed me.

That was it.

That did it.

I walk over to where her bag is and opened it up. Then I walk over to her drawers and walk-in closet and grabbed more clothes. I literally helped her pack most of her clothes as she protested that it was too much. She said I might as well pack up her whole apartment and bring it to his place. She said I was packing her things like she was coming to live with me.

I simply shrugged and resumed packing.

In the end she couldn't do anything to stop me so she just stood there and allowed me to pack her things for her.

She groaned, grumbled, and mumbled a few things along the way. I simply ignored her, and focused on the task at hand.

I chuckled at the memory.

She came around eventually.

I just love having her around.

I look forward to coming home to her every night. And in the mornings, I look forward to seeing her beautiful face first thing when I wake up.

I love the fact that we go to sleep wrapped in each other's arms and wake up the same way.

I no longer come home to an empty house. And I no longer sleep on an empty bed.

My life is no longer empty.

I can't even remember my life before my angel.

This is why I'm so fucking scared.

I'm scared of not being with her. I'm scared of the thought of leaving her.

When my parents died, I thought that losing them... Losing someone you love is the worse pain imaginable. But I was wrong. It's much more painful when you know that you're the one who's going to leave the people you love. It hurst so much more to know that you're fucking dying and any minute you'll be gone. It hurts so fucking much to look the one you love, knowing that you're dying.

Everyday, I try to make the most out of it. I try to create memories that will last us forever.


I was still uneasy.

I was troubled.

Something was wrong and I'm not just taking about tonight.

After talking to Jason, I breathe a sigh of relief, but the nagging feeling in my gut didn't go away.

Something was definitely wrong.

Jason has a secret. He's hiding something from me and I know that it's not a good one. I know it's something that could make or break us.

I just know that it's something he's afraid of telling me.

I know that Jason loves me. And I know that this isn't about that, but whatever it is that he's hiding from me. It can't be good.

I've sensed it before. Many times. But I never called him out. I never asked him straight up. I wanted him to tell me willingly.

But damn it. Whatever it is, it's driving me crazy not knowing.

He had a secret and no matter what it is he needs to know that I'm not leaving. That I'm not walking away from him. That we will deal with it together.

Whatever his secret is. It makes him sad. It's hurting him. I can see it in his eyes.

Damn it. Whatever it is, it wouldn't make me stop loving him!

I would still love him.

I sighed.

Tonight, I'm going to force him to tell me whatever it is that's bothering him.

Just One Night With You (Book 3 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now