Chapter 26

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I woke up to an empty bed next to me.

I frowned.

"Zarah?" I called out nothing.

I climbed out of bed and put on some pyjama bottoms and headed out into the kitchen.

Once I stepped out into the hall, the smell of coffee greeted me.

I walk towards the smell and found Zarah; earphones in her ears; wearing my shirt; and dancing in the kitchen, as she was cooking.

I leaned against the wall and watched her. There is nothing I wanted more than to sweep her off of her feet and into my arms, and carry her back to my bed.

A few moments later she turned around and was startled to find me standing there watching her with a big grin on my face.

She took her earphones out. "Jason, you scared me!"

I chuckled and walked over to her.

"I missed waking up to you in the morning," I said.

She smiled. "I wanted to cook breakfast for you," she said.

I smiled and pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

"I didn't like waking up alone and finding you gone," I pouted.

She smiled and blushed.

She stepped on her tip toes and kissed the pout out of me.

She pulled back and I grinned wickedly.

I walk over to the stove and turned it off.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She asked.

"Let's skip breakfast. I want dessert," I said wickedly.

Her eyes grew wide and she squealed and ran.

"I'm coming to get you Angel. You can't hide from me," I said with amusement and playfulness in my voice, as I ran after her.

I could hear her laughter, as she ran from me.

I caught her in my arms just before she turned to the corner down to the bedroom.

"Gotcha," I growled out.

She squealed and giggled uncontrollably.

"I'm going to ravish you," I said as I buried my face in her neck, tickling her.

"Stop. Stop," she begged as she wriggled in my arms.

I laughed wickedly.

Zarah was still laughing when we entered the bedroom and I lay her across the bed. Her laughter died on her lips when I covered her body with mine and I looked into her eyes.

"You're so damn beautiful, Angel," I whispered.

She blushed.

She lifted her hand up to my chest.

I leaned down and kissed her.

I kissed her again and again.

Each kiss growing deeper and more demanding. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her fingers in my hair as she pulled me closer.

"I want you so bad," I said against her mouth.

She smiled. "Good, I want you too," she whispered huskily.


It was as if the world stopped spinning.

I was suddenly on the bed with Jason covering my body.

I can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

Every time I'm with Jason, feels like the first time.

He lifted his shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor carelessly. I was naked and he rakes his eyes over my body before he stood up and removed his pyjama bottoms. I leaned on my elbows and watched him.

My breath caught at the sight of him.

"You're gorgeous," I said.

He chuckled. "That's not very manly baby," he said.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Oh sorry. I mean you look hot."

He chuckled. "Better. Much better," he said. Then he came back down over me.

I inhaled sharply when I felt his erection poking me. I felt his bare chest against mine and my mouth watered.

I touch his chest freely. I run my hands over his chest. His chiseled abs and his shoulders and arms.

My hands moved down to his back when he lowered and covered my hardened nipple. I cried out and arched my back, giving him better access.

He began sucking my nipple hard as he nipped with his teeth and soothed with his tongue. I was quivering uncontrollably.

"Oh goodness. That feels so damn good, Jason. Please don't stop," I gasped out.

He hummed causing all kinds of thing to happen inside my body that I can't even begin to explain. All I know is that it felt so incredibly amazing and I don't want him to stop. I felt my hips rising up and running against him. I need to feel the pressure between my hips. The sensation that was running through my body was ripping me apart.

He released my nipple with a pop and moved to my other hardened nipple and gave it the same attention. By the time he was finished, I was a quivering mess and my nipples were so sensitive.

He lifted up and I opened my eyes to find him staring at me. He had this intense look in his eyes. There was heat, want, and need. But it wasn't just that. There was also pain and sadness in his eyes and I don't understand why.

Before I could ask him, he covered my mouth with his.

He pulled back and looked back into my eyes as he slid inside me. I sighed with pleasure and wrapped my arms tightly around him.


I looked down at his sleeping form and I ran my hand over his face.

I just know something was bothering Jason and I also know that it has something to do with his trip to New York. When he got back, something about him changed. Something bad must have happened while he was there and although he told me that it was all good, I don't think he has really solved whatever the issue was over there. But as much as I want to know what it is, I'm just going to wait for Jason to be ready to share it with me. I'm sure he just doesn't want me to worry, so I won't. I'm just going to enjoy our time together.

I kissed him quickly and snuggled to his side. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed contentedly.

He stirred and pulled me closer to him.

"Love you angel," he mumbled in his sleep.

I smiled. I don't even think he's awake.

"Love you too Jason."

I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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