Chapter 19

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I listened to Jason's message over and over again.

He sounded as miserable as I feel.

He has been calling me everyday. Leaving me sweet messages. Just asking how I'm doing. Saying that he misses me. He continuously reminds me that he's still waiting until I'm ready to see and talk to him again.

But his last message was different. He sounded desperate. He was pleading.

He said he's leaving for New York for a few days, but he didn't say why.

I shrugged. He probably has some business to take care of.

Am I ready to see him?

Do I want to see him?


I sighed. After our last conversation I've been doing a lot of thinking. About everything. I thought about how sincere and honest he sounded when he apologized. I can see regret written all over his face... His eyes. I also thought about what Ara said to my sister about forgiving the ones we love.

"People makes mistakes, what's important is that we realize it, and we make amends..."

Isn't that what Jason has been doing?

"He's here now. He wants to be with you." Ellie said.

Yes, he does and he's shown you that in every way he can, I told myself.

It's your turn now Zarah. What do you want to do?


"Aunt Zarah, aunt Zarah" Lia ran to me.

"Hi, love bug!"

"You come to see my babies?"

I laughed. "Yes, and you of course."

She grinned up at me.

"Where are the munchkins?"

"They're here," my brother came strolling into the family room with the twins.

I rushed over and cooed at the twins.

"We always come second these days," he muttered.

I laughed. "Hi, big brother."

"Hi! It's okay. Go back to admiring my perfect twins," he said grinned down at the twins.

I laughed. Mass is so in love with his kids it's wonderful to see.

The twins started getting fuzzy and started crying.

"It's actually past time for their nap," he said.

"Let me help you EJ," Ara started to say.

"No cara, it's okay. I've got this. You visit with my sister. Lia will be daddy's helper today, right princess?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" She said excitedly. "Mommy you'll waits for me right?"

Ara chuckled. "Yes baby. I won't start baking without you," Ara said and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"I'll see you in a bit Zarah bear!"

"Later, big bully," I retorted, earning a chuckle from my brother.

Once they were gone. I turned to Ara.

"Wow, 3 kids under the age of 4. How do you do it?" I asked Ara.

She laughed and shrugged. "I love them. I love taking care of them. Besides, I have your brother and he's amazing with the kids. He helps me out a lot. Specially with the twins and the night feedings. Lia too. She always wants to get involved. She's such a good mommy and daddy's helper. It's tiring you know, but once you see the smile or hear their laugh, you forget all about it."

Just One Night With You (Book 3 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now