Chapter 30

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"Hey man, how are you doing?" Massimo asked as I walk into his office.

"I'm great," I said with a huge smile on my face.

I was actually a little nervous about what I'm about to ask him. I mean, I already told their parents about my plan, but I wanted to get my best friend's blessing too.

"You look good, bro."

"I feel good," I said.

He smiled.

"Look, I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Sounds serious. Have a sit," he pointed to the chair. "So.. What is it?"

"I'm going to ask your sister to marry me," I blurted out.

Well great. Just like ripping off a band-aid. Could you have been anymore subtle?

Fuck. He's going to freak out.

Then he smirked. "Guess, I owe Marco a hundred bucks."


"He said it would take you less than a month to pop the question. I said it would take you two."

"Asshole," I bit out.

He laughed. "So when are you going to ask?"

"Soon. Just waiting for the perfect
time," I said.


When I got home, I found Zarah cooking in the kitchen.

"Hi honey, dinner's almost ready," she said.

I walk over to her and I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in her neck.

"I missed you," I said against her skin.

"Missed you too," she said. "Go get changed and I'll set the table so we can eat."

"Alright, Angel," I said releasing her.

I head to the bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

I walk back to the kitchen to find the table set.

"Wow everything looks delicious babe," I said with delight.

She grinned. "Thanks. Come sit."

We ate dinner while chatting and joking around.

Then suddenly, out of the blue she asked, "Have you ever done anything out of your comfort zone?"

"Many times."

She smiled. "Sometimes I feel like there's still so many things I want to do. I wish I was a lot like Ellie. She's so adventurous. She's not afraid to try new things."

"You're perfect for me, Angel," I said.

"Sometimes, you're just too damn sweet," she said sweetly. "But your biased. You're in love with me," she winked.

I laughed. "But seriously. What things do you want to do, that you consider risky?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I've always wanted to try bungee jumping. Once, Ellie and a few friends of ours went out to try it, but I chickened out in the last minute... But not Ellie. She did it and she said that it was the best feeling ever and I've always regretted not going ever since. I've always wondered how I would have felt if I had done it. I just don't want to live with regrets and what ifs. Life is too short to live that way.

I stiffened.

"You could always try again,"
I said.

She let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I don't think so..."

Just One Night With You (Book 3 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now