Chapter 27

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As we were lying in bed, I started to wonder about Jason's parents. That was one topic that we ever really talked about and now I find myself wanting to know about them.


"Yeah babe?"

"I was just wondering..."


"I was wondering you know... About your parents..."

"Ahhh, I was wondering when that topic was going to come up," he said lightly.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

He hugged me tighter. "you can ask me anything sweetheart. What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Everything..."

"Well... They died in a car accident when I was 16. Luke was 19, and Ethan was 14. It was raining hard that night. The roads were slippery and report said that the car lost control and skidded off the road and fell into the ravine. My grandpa took care of us ever since. He died 4 years ago."

"I'm so sorry. It must have been very difficult for all of you to lose your parents so young."

He nodded. "Yes it was hard, but thankfully we had each other and gramps. Our family has always been close. Gramps made sure that we remembered them for the good things and not the tragic accident. He made sure that we grieved as a family. He said that it was better to let it out than keep it all bottled inside. But it wasn't always like that. We were in a pretty bad place at first. We weren't talking. We were like robots. So one day, gramps has had enough. So he took us down to the garage, gave us all a baseball bat and told us to smash the car and let all our rage out. He gave us gears of course, to protect ourselves. He said we weren't allowed to come leave the garage until we have let all our anger out and are ready to talk to each other. Of course we all looked at him like he had gone crazy," he chuckled lightly."

I smiled. "and then?"

"Once he left us there, we all looked at each other and then the car and back at each other. We kind of had a silent conversation and then that was it. We started smashing and hitting the car with the baseball bat. At first, we were kind of testing out how it felt. Then before we knew it, we just kept hitting and hitting, and hitting. We didn't stop until we could no longer lift the bat with our hands. We fell to the ground at the same time and cried. We cried for what seemed like forever."

I sniffed and I too, started crying.

"Hey, don't cry Angel. I'm okay now. We're all okay. Really," he said as he wiped away my tears.

I sniffed. "what happened after that?"

"My grandpa came back a couple hours later. He didn't seem surprised as he looked at the damage we had done to the car. We totalled the car, and I'm not exaggerating. He looked at all of us and opened his arms and we all rushed in. He hugged us so tight and told us that it's going to be okay because he loved us and he will always be there for us. He told us that it's okay to cry and be angry. He said that it's better to let it out than keep it hidden inside. He said that we should always talk about how we are feeling to each other, because that's what families are for."

"Your grandfather seemed like a very intelligent man."

He chuckled. "He was. He was the best. As much as the business world new him as the ruthless business tycoon, he really was a kind and loving man. He's just a giant teddy bear, who knew how to make wise business decisions. He was ruthless in that way. But one of the things that I admire most about him is that he was fair. He treated people fairly. He said honour and trust is what matters most. He said that there are already too many people in the world who has neither, and he doesn't want to be that man."

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