Chapter 28

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During the next few days, Jason always found a reason to hold me. Sometimes he would just hold me in his arms and we would both fall asleep wrapped in each others arms.

When he made love to me, it was so passionate and full of love. It was just so wonderful. And in the end he would hold me again. He would hold me so tight like he was afraid I was going to disappear.

His headaches was also occurring more often nowadays. I told him to get it checked out but he brushed it off saying that everything was okay and he has always had terrible headaches and that I shouldn't worry about it.

There were nights when I would wake up and find him watching me sleep, with tears in his eyes and I would ask him why he was crying and he would just smile sheepishly and kiss me. He would tell me that he was just so overwhelmed with happiness and love that it was spilling down his eyes.

I laughed at that. He doesn't even realize that he's just so damn sweet. It fills my heart to hear him say those kids of things to me.

But there has to be a deeper reason. He's acting strange. Not that I don't like how sweet and attentive he was being, but he's starting to scare me with the looks he's giving me when he thinks I wasn't looking or paying attention.
I could tell that he was keeping something from me.

He had a secret.

I know it and it worries me.

"Angel," he said softly, as we were lying in bed. "You look so deep in thought. What are you thinking?"

I contemplated whether I should ask him straight up what he was hiding from me, but then I figured once he's ready he'll tell me. But at the same time the suspense was killing me and knowing that he was keeping something from me worried me.

It made me nervous.

It scared me.

I opened mouth then closed it. I smiled and said, "nothing. I was just thinking when you're going to be ready for another round."

He laughed and grabbed my hand and placed it over his hard on.

I laughed.

He rolled on top of me and made love to me again into the wee hours of the night, until we fell asleep from exhaustion.


"Honey, wake up!" I whispered in Jason's ear. "Wake up, honey," I said again nuzzling his neck.


I chuckled. "Honey, wake up, I've gotta go."

"Huh? What?" He asked as his eyes fluttered open.

"I've gotta go to the shop early today. It's a Saturday it's going to be really busy. I've got to be there."

"What time is it?"

"It's four in the morning."

He groaned.

I chuckled. "You go back to sleep and I'll take the car?" I asked.

"No, I'll drive you," he said.

"Uh uh. Nope. You're going back to sleep and you're going to rest. I don't want your headache to come back because of lack of sleep and exhaustion. I'll be back around five in the afternoon and then we'll go do something. Maybe, I'll cook for you," I said kissing him chastely on the lips.

"Love you babe. Gotta go."

"Love you too, and drive safe," he trailed off as he fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Just One Night With You (Book 3 in the Just Series)Where stories live. Discover now