Bon-Body (Chapter Fifty-One)

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"You two are absolutely adorable, but we have to return those dress clothes, now," Bon-Bon told you and Freddy.

"What, why?" Freddy asked.

"Because, we only rented them," Bon-Bon replied.

"Why right now?" you wondered.

"Because we only rented them for the day. And it's 3:23 PM," Bon-Bon explained.

"Oh, I'll go change, then," you said.

"Just hurry," Bon-Bon insisted.

You quickly kissed Freddy on the cheek and shuffled towards the bathroom. You pushed open the door and locked it after you stepped in. You kicked off your boots and set them to the side. After you pulled everything off, you carefully set them on the counter and changed into your hoodie and green skinny jeans. You sat on the floor and slipped on your socks and shoes.

"You ready?" Bon-Bon wondered from the other side of the door.

"Yeah," you said as you unlocked and opened the door.

"Can I see your phone"? Bon-Bon asked.

"What, why?"

"I just want to see it for a few minutes."

"Well, okay then. Just don't screw it up," you told him as you handed it to him.

"Hey, could you go grab the wallet down in the underground?" Bon-Bon asked.

"The wallet? When did you take it down there? Why?" you wondered.

"Could you just go get it," Bon-Bon groaned.

"O-kay, I'll be back," you sneered.

You walked past him and towards the elevator. Bon-Bon and the rest started to gather up the clothes and blow out all the candles as you stepped into the elevator. You pressed the red button and the elevator closed and descended. When the elevator stopped at the bottom and the doors opened back up, you crawled through the vent and stepped into Ballora Gallery.

"Wait a minute, he didn't tell me where it was." You sighed.

You walked toward the mattresses and looked over on the stage just in case. You pulled off the bed sheets and lifted them up, but you still didn't see the wallet. You heard tapping of shoes behind you, and was about to turn around, when a pair of arms snaked around your waist.

"Hello," Freddy whispered into your ear.

"Freddy? What are you doing down here? I thought you were helping the rest up there," you laughed nervously as he pulled you closer to him.

"I was, but now I'm here," he whispered, and his warm breath made you shiver.

"Well, did you want to help me find the wallet?" You gulped as he laid his head on your shoulder.

"Bon-Bon only used that as an excuse to get you down here," Freddy snickered into your ear.

"O-oh, and wh-why's that?" you stuttered.

"So I can do this," Freddy said, then turned you around and pushed you.

You fell back on to the foam pads and looked up at Freddy in shock, propping yourself up on your elbows. He crawled towards you and you scrambled back. He grabbed your legs, holding you in place, and sat down on them. You gulped as he leaned closer to you.

"What's going on?" you heard a voice similar to Freddy's come from behind Freddy.

"Oh, shit," the Freddy that was hovered over you mumbled.

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