Protective (Chapter Forty-One)

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You sighed and limped into the hotel room, your body aching from all that had happened--especially your sides, which had absorbed every inch of stress your body had been through. Freddy and the rest followed close behind you, all clearly exhausted--mostly mentally, though. Freddy was an exception. Ballora had to bandage up his hands.

You shuffled to the bed and carefully lay onto your back, cringing at your whole body. Foxy, Baby, and Ballora, morphed into their pajamas and lay on the bed the way they usually did, with Foxy closest to you and Ballora in the middle. Freddy changed into his pajamas and stood at the foot of the bed. He untied your shoes and carefully slid them off. He grimaced at the pain in his fingers.

"What are you doing?" you asked raspily, your throat still rough from screaming.

"I'm making you comfortable. You've been through a lot," Freddy mumbled, and you smiled, both at his naturally perky voice and that he thought of you before himself.

" . . . But you're hurt. You don't need to do that."

He slowly shook his head, setting your shoes on the floor at the end of the bed, then walked around to the other side. He carefully lay onto the bed and on his side, gazing at you in a worried expression. You looked over at him and raised your eyebrows tiredly.

"Huh?" you asked.

"Get some sleep," Freddy whispered as your eyes started to droop.

Before you knew it, you fell into a deep state of slumber and Freddy giggled quietly. He crawled off the bed and stood up, walking over and standing next to you. He kissed you on the forehead and sat next to you. He leaned over you and put his hand on the other side of you.

~ ~ ~ ~

You yawned and arched your back as you stretched. You instantly hissed and relaxed as your sides ached. You opened your eyes and jumped when you saw Freddy hovering over you, staring at you. His eyes were dark, and he tilted his head as you slid up. He smiled and blinked a few times.

"What are you doing?" you whispered hoarsely--you couldn't raise your voice any more.

"Just making sure you're alright," Freddy admitted.

"Have you had any sleep?" you croaked.

"No, he hasn't," Bon-Bon scolded him from the other side of you.

"Here's your stupid McDonald's," Foxy growled and dropped a paper bag on your stomach.

"Ow," you groaned.

Freddy growled and glared at Foxy as he snatched the coffee out of his hand. Foxy put his hands up sarcastically and fell onto the other bed.

"McDonald's?" you mumbled.

"You better like it! Freddy woke me up in the middle of a peaceful dream, telling me to go to McDonald's!" Foxy griped.

"But you ended up going anyways, so you can't complain much," you snickered weakly.

"He threatened me!" Foxy shouted as he shot up.

"What'd he say? What'd you say, Freddy?" you asked.

"I told him that if he didn't get you something, I'd staple his balls to his forehead in his sleep," Freddy replied.

"Who told you that? Bon-Bon, I guarantee he learned it from you," you said quietly.

"Why are you dragging me into this?" Bon-Bon objected.

"What's so important about McDonald's, anyways?" you asked, your voice cracking.

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