Spring Carnival (Chapter Forty-Nine)

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"Everybody have everything?" you asked as you sat in the driver's seat of your car.

"What are we supposed to have?" Foxy snickered from the backseat.

"Wallet, phone . . . Are we forgetting anything?" you wondered.

"Not we: you. And yes, your keys," Foxy told you.

"Right- No, Foxy, you dumbass, they're in the ignition. Anything else?" you mused.

"No- Now let's go!" Foxy griped.

"Okay, okay," you groaned as you turned the key and started the car.

The Spring Carnival was in town, so you and the rest decided to go. Since they've never been to any type of fair, you thought it would be nice if you took them. Freddy turned on the music and you listened to it as you drove.

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"Here we go," you announced as you parked the car.

"Woah," Baby and Foxy gasped as they stared out the windows.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Bon-Bon exclaimed impatiently.

"Remember, Bon-Bon, stay on Freddy's hand and don't start any trouble," you reminded him as Baby, Ballora, and Foxy, got out of the car.

"Me? Starting trouble? Pfft," Bon-Bon scoffed.

"Stick with each other," you told everyone as you and Freddy stepped out of the car.

"That sounds lame, but okay," Foxy muttered as he looked towards the rides. "Let's go on the rides."

"We have to buy tickets, first," you replied.

"Then, let's go!" Foxy exclaimed as he ran off toward the ticket booths.

"Hey, wait! Foxy!" you objected and ran after him, the rest following you.

"How many tickets are we getting?" Foxy gushed.

"I don't know. Excuse me, how much for tickets?" you asked the lady at the ticket booth.

"We don't have tickets. But we do have wristbands. And they're ten dollars each," the lady said.

"Sweet, we'll take five," you told her as you pulled the wallet out of your pocket.

"That'll be fifty dollars," the lady gushed.

"Mhm, here ya go," you said as you handed her a fifty.

"And here you go," she replied as she handed you the five wristbands.

You handed the rest each a wristband and put yours on, stepping away from the ticket booth. Ballora had to help Baby some, and Bon-Bon huffed, because he didn't get one.

"Where do you guys want to go first?" you asked.

"Let's go on the one called, 'Zero Gravity,' " Foxy suggested as he pointed to one.

"Yeah, go grab a spot in line before too many people get there," you said, and he and Baby ran over to the line.

"What's it like?" Freddy asked.

"It's really fast," you replied.

"Ooh, it sounds fun," he laughed.

"Come on, guys!" Foxy called after you, Ballora, and Freddy, as he and Baby got their wristbands checked.

You walked up to the man at the gate and showed him your wristband. He nodded and ushered you and the rest in. You walked up the ramp, and Foxy and Baby waved at you. Ballora walked up and stood in the cage beside Baby. You stood beside Ballora, and Freddy stood next to you.

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