Back to Stage One (Chapter Twenty-Seven)

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"What do you mean?" you croaked.

"I mean, somebody knocked on the door and said, 'This is the police, we just want to ask you a few questions,' " Foxy replied.

"And you didn't answer it?"

"No, I didn't know what to do," Foxy confessed.

"It's probably just a prank," you mentioned, mostly trying to convince yourself.

"I don't know, they sounded pretty serious," Foxy fretted, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll go check it out. Stay around the corner, and just . . . act normal. Okay?"


You looked back at Freddy and he looked at you fearfully. You walked out of the bathroom with Freddy following you. Foxy and Freddy went around the corner. Them, Bon-Bon, Baby, and Ballora, peeked out at you. You shooed them off and they went back. You opened the door, to see that a police officer was waiting in the hallway.

"Hello, sir. Sorry to disturb you at this time," he said, looking down at what you were wearing.

"Oh, that's fine. Um, is there a problem, officer?" you wondered, hoping he wasn't going to mention anything about what you did.

"Well, there's been a report of a robbery and car theft. And the car that's been stolen is in the parking lot. I've asked around and have been told that you were seen exiting that car. Do you know anything about that?" the man asked.

'Piss,' you thought.

"What car?" you asked, trying to buy time to think of an excuse.

"It's a Gold Cadillac SUV," the officer explained.

"Oh, that one. Um . . . There was a guy on the top floor that let me borrow it for a few. I gave it back to him, afterwards. So, now he's got the keys to it," you lied, although your poker face convinced him otherwise.

"Do you know his name?" the officer asked.

"He didn't tell me. I mean, he was offering me a Cadillac, so I didn't really question him about it," you told him.

"What about his room number?"

"We met in the elevator."

"Well, okay, then. I'll look around for him. Thank you, sir, have a good night," the officer said.

"You too," you replied.

The man walked back to the elevator and you smiled at him as he turned and waved. You shut the door and frowned. You ran to the suitcase and rummaged through it. You grabbed the drawstring bag and put your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and charger, in it. You ran into the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Freddy wondered.

You grabbed your toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush, and put them into the bag. You grabbed your clothes that were on the floor--your pants had your phone and wallet in it--and put them in as well.

"(Y/N)?" Foxy snapped.

"Do you guys remember the first night that we were . . . these ghost things, and Baby figured out that normal things--like, having to eat or clean ourselves--don't affect us while nobody or a specific person can see us?" you wondered.

"Yes," Ballora said.

"Well, you guys are going to have to do that for a while. Are you guys able to morph into different clothes?"

"I don't know, I'll try," Foxy volunteered

Foxy thought for a moment and morphed into a glowing orb. Then, he changed into himself, but in his normal clothes. Foxy looked down at himself, impressed.

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