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Authors note:

hii so this chapter has alot of pov changes so im sorry if its confusing:=)  i tried to make it not confusing. im sorryyyy.



As we were sitting with the familia, Aless got a call and he tensed up. We all got the signal and got up and excused ourselves.

Turns out theyre was a spanish imposter at the docks and now we have to kill him and inspect casualties.

We head down and me and Matt have a go at the Spanish mutt.


Its 11 pm at night and now its so late i feel so so bad for annoying them for this long.

Although they do all seem to genuinely have fun like i do so that gives me some comfort.

"Zara, dolcezza, stay the night, its late" Ms. Shaina says to me making me smile at her. She's so nice.

"No, Ms. Shaina, i really should get home, ive bothered you all enough" i smile at her.

"Oh nonsense, but i do understand wanting the comfort of your home lovey. Still i would be delighted if you spend the night sometime" she side hugs me. Awww.

"Thats so nice" i smile at her. "But i do need a favour" i ask her.

"Oh anything tesoro" she says.

"If a driver could drive me home?" i ask. She nods.

Soon, i say bye to everyone, Christiano slipped away awhile ago with Alessandro, Niccolo, Matteo, Stepheno and Angelo, so this time he wont be able to stop us.

I get into the dark SUV and then we drive off.


"jefe encontraron a rossi, y posiblemente lo mataron, tenemos conexiones bo con su rastreador o teléfono desechable" My informer says as i sit in my office chair. Fucking fuck.
(boss they found rossi, and possibly killed him we have bo connections to his tracker or burner phone)

"Cualquier movimiento dentro de la familia italiana." I ask him.
(Any movement within the italian family)

"Si señor un carro, placa les pertenece, fue visto dirigiéndose a la ciudad, una persona en la parte de atrás, además del conductor y un solo guardia, presumiblemente mujer."
he tells me. I smirk.
(Yes sir a car, plate number  belongs to them, was spotted heading to the city, one person in the back, other than the driver and a single guard, presumably female)

"Ataca luego a Jeon" i tell him like its obvious.
(Attack then Jeon).

"Sì jefe" he says running out.


Im just scrolling pinterest when suddenly i hear a gunshot. What the fuck.

"Shit!" the man in the front shouts as the car speeds up. Oh no.


We're all in one car driving back home and my mind drifts to her. Wait how did she get back home.

Alessandro's phone rings and he answers.

"Fuck!" he shouts. Everyone becomes alert.

"What" i ask.

"She-" he pauses giving Nick a look.

"What Alessandro" i ask again.

"Zara was going home in one of our cars, theyre being chased and fired at" he sighs.

"What the fuck!" i shout and Nick hits the gas. Fuck.


We get to where the location is and i get out quickly.

"Get the fuck out babe come on dont make this difficult" i see a man in black clothes holding a gun to the scared, frail looking girl as she walks unsteady out of the car.

In a split second, I shoot at his shoulder hearing a loud, ear piercing scream, and the boys take down the two other men.

I rush to her side as she falls to the ground. Her formerly angelic and beautiful dress now has blood spatters on it. Fuck.

I hold her and feel her shaking and whimpering.

"Shit, Zara, baby stop shaking you'll tire yourself out, sh" i try to sooth her. But her whimpers of terror just increase.

"N-noo" she cries. Fuck. I look up to see the boys and notice both the driver and guard dead, shot in the fucking neck. Fuck she saw that. Shit.

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