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Its Saturday and Christmas Eve. Tonight theres a party at the estate. Apparently they throw big ones every year on Christmas eve but didn't last year because Grayson was too young and Alaia was on bed rest.

So this year it will be huge.

Im currently laying down in Christianos bed after having just thrown up. He went down to get me something to eat which i thought was sweet.

He's very sweet and thoughtful these days. He tells me he's sorry that i throw up so much and he almost everyday gets me something or the other.

Small things like candy, but i really appreciate them.

I heave a big sigh as i feel the tiredness from throwing up and my stomach churning cuz its so empty. Its so draining when you throw up. Ugh.

I also get overwhelmed easily, i cry at the smallest things and im overall pretty fucked up emotional wise. Maybe everyone else thinks so too cuz i can be a bitch. I just hope they dont depise me.

I hear the door open and a maid walks in with a tray, placing it down on the coffee table. I thank her and she leaves. Soon after, Christiano enters.

"Baby?" he calls out and i look at him. He frowns. "Are you crying Cara?" he asks. My eyebrows furrow and i sniffle. Oh shit i am.

"N-no no, this is stupid god" i sit up running a hand through my hair. I sniffle angrily.

"Shh, whats wrong" he asks sitting down on the bed. I shake my head.

"Nothing, i cry for nothing because im dumb, just forget about it" i say sighing. I feel a kiss on my cheek making me look up.

"Youre cute" he husks. I roll my eyes. "Its okay to cry baby, i think you look hot when your lips become red and puffy" he comments smirking. I gasp.

"Youre a weird person Mr. De'Marco" i shake my head. "Did you bring me food" i ask hopefully and he snickers, nodding.

"Sì, come eat i brought you sweet bacon and eggs with toast" he mumbles, gently helping me to the table. "And apple juice" he fixates.

I hate orange juice. And i hate drinking juice for breakfast. I want my coffee but i can't have any. I pout.

"It sucks not having coffee" i mumble, eating a piece of maple bacon. I moan. When i open my eyes he's looking at me with a dark look. "what" i mumble with food in my mouth.

"You do it on purpose," he says, grabbing bacon himself.

"What its good bacon, dont annoy me" i say eating more.

"dont moan like that if you dont want me to take you on that chair." he points to the chair im sitting on. I blush red.

"Youre so lewd." i shake my head. "What are you doing today" i ask him. He looks at me.

"Hmm, im not busy, I have some business to discuss with Aless later." he pauses. "Mama said the dress lady thing will be here around 1 for you to pick out a dress, and something else i forgot." he says. I nod chewing my breakfast.


We talk about random things and once we're done eating, i clean up and a maid takes away our dishes.

Its currently noon and i just stepped out of the shower. I walk to the closet where i have claimed a drawer for my clothes as per Christianos request. Or demand.

I pick out a casual outfit consisting of pretty light pink sweatpants and a white crop top. I slip on my pink fluffy puma slides and walk out to see Christiano on the bed, on his phone.

 I slip on my pink fluffy puma slides and walk out to see Christiano on the bed, on his phone

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"hi baby, you look cute" he says getting up and kissing me on the lips. "youre gonna get cold in that top" he warns. I hum, leaning on his chest making his hands go around my waist. "I have to go i was waiting to say bye" he says.

I pull back making his hold tighten on my waist.

"Go where?" i frown. He smiles a little.

"That came out wrong, ill be in Aless' office if you need me" he says kissing me again. I kiss back.

"Mhm ok, have fun business man" i tell him making him chuckle as he leaves.

I blow dry my hair and clip it up since ill need to style it later anyways.

Making my way downstairs, to the main floor, i go into the kitchen expecting to see all the ladies.

This house is huge. Like absolutely the biggest thing ever.

The main floor is where the entrance is. There are many rooms on this floor alone, but the bedrooms are 4. On this floor.

Then the next floor up is all bedrooms and a regular sized kitchen. That floor has 3 master bedrooms and 6 regular sized bedrooms. One of the master bedrooms is Aless and Alaia's, then the other is Niccolo and Aria's, then the third one is Chris'. And another room is Graysons, and Aria is turning one into a nursery for her coming baby.

Then the rest of the three boys have their rooms on the third floor. They also have spare bedrooms for possible future children.

And all floors have offices. Enough for a whole company to operate in here. I roll my eyes at the huge house.

I mean atleast its not a waste and the family is big. Plus I think its nice that theres enough space for a growing family possibility.

As expected, i see all the De'Marco ladies in the kitchen.

"Hiii" i sing.

"Oh hello dolcezza, how are you feeling now sweet?" Mama asks as i walk to her and she kisses my head. She's pretty tall.

"Im okay now, im sorry i didnt come down to the breakfast table everyone. But legs were shaky from throwing up." Is say, leaning on the island.

"Oh its completely okay, i didnt either because i cant walk" Aria grumbles. I giggle.

"By the way, we have the nail salon people coming over at 2, anyone wanting to get their nails done, be in the living room." Zia Bianca informs. We nod.

We talk about random things as well as the party tonight. I ask Alaia advice on what kind of dress i should pick and other stuff.

Overall, my morning was wonderful and filled with family.

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