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I slowly turn around and my eyes meet with striking deep blue ones, his becoming a shade darker as he sees my face.

He studies my face and i think he notices just how surprised i am to be here.

"Its a pleasure Mr. De'Marco, this is Zara King, shes come as my consultant today but she's a personal friend." Andrew introduces. Christiano's eyes snap to Andrews then down to his hand around me.

I see his jaw clench tightly a few times before he nods.

"Ofcourse, have a seat and lets begin" His deep, husky voice rings through the room sending shivers down my spine. I havent heard that voice in a whole month. By choice and reasoning. My subconscious reminds.

I huff making Andrew look at me. He moves his face closer to my jaw and asks,

"You okay?" and i nod quickly seeing the dark, angry expression on Christiano's face. You Donot have to be scared of him.

Yes i do because i dont want this to affect Andrews work, I fight my subconscious.

The meeting begins with Andrew talking and showing slides to the 5 members of the board, and Christiano on the opposite end, on a head chair but he keeps looking at me.

Im scared everyone will notice. I can already tell some board members recognise me.

Andrew pauses a little and i look at him, he looks a little nervous. I quickly get up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Our armory is top quality, as you know..." i start promoting the product and avoid looking at Christiano at all because I can feel his heated gaze already on me.

Once I finish, the board members look impressed and he has a weird look in his eyes. Its not really anger. I cant put my finger on it.

I feel a hand again on my hip and Andrew whispers a thankyou from behind. I turn and smile at him and our faces are too close so i turn back but when i do Christiano is standing up and looks really really angry.

Shit. No please dont cause a scene.

"Mr. Wright." his voice booms and Andrew turns to him as he walks closer. "Thats quite an impressive sales point you put forward," he pauses looking at me. I look at him with pleading eyes. I hope he doesnt take away the deal. "The contract is yours if you want it." he finishes and Andrew grins. For a second i forget about my dilemma and smile widely.

"Thankyou Sir" Christiano nods. Andrew turns to look down at me and I smile up at him. He leans down to peck my cheek.


"Zara," he seethes. Oh god. "You were great, really helped your friend, close the deal" he says friend with alot of emphasis. I nod tightly.

They start talking again.

My chest feels tight and my breathing is fast. Why am I panicking? Its not like Andrew would care. Ill just say i didnt get a chance to tell him.

What if he thinks i tried to jeopardise his deal. My breathing picks up.

"Are you feeling alright love" i hear a deep British accent through my hazy head. I nod.

"Mhm, i uhm, im j-just gonna go to the uh, the restroom?" i ask and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Yes love, do you want me to go with?" he asks and I shake my head.

"Mm-mm, im fine" i get my purse and walk out quickly.

I make it to the hall in which the bathrooms are and i lean against the wall. Im dizzy and my asthma is acting up too. I feel really dizzy. I close my eyes and wheeze trying to gulp in air.

Soon i feel a sense of warmth and a comforting scent fills my senses.

"Shh sh sh sh shh" i hear as a large hand holds my waist. "Breathe baby its okay, just take a breath in and out for me." i open my eyes i see his blue eyes through my teary ones. I frown at him. "Breathe Zara, comeon" he asks and i sob.

He quickly grabs my purse and gets out my inhaler, he hands it to me and i nod. Thankyou i wanna say but nothing comes out.

I quickly pump it twice. I gasp and look up.

"Thats it, breathe" he says.

After a few minutes, I regain my breath but im still very dizzy.

I feel his hands on me when i my head clears a little. I grab his hands and take them off me. Not harshly but he still looks hurt.

"Im sorry you had to help me, i should've gone inside the bathroom." I say still breathing irregular.

"I came here to make sure you were okay, i would've come inside the bathroom." he says and i look at him.

"Zara?" i hear and quickly move away from Christiano.

"Y-yea" i say and Andrew finds us. He looks at me then Christiano.

"Whats going on?" He asks looking between us.

"Oh uh, i was having trouble breathing, Mr. De'Marco got alarmed" i say walking closer to him.

He puts his hand on my cheek. Shit why is he being so touchy feely today. Ugh.

Andrew has always been a little heavy on the touching, he doesnt think theres anything wrong with it. I do.

"You okay?" he asks worriedly and i nod smiling. I know he means well, he just cares alot.

"Yep" i say holding his hand and bringing it down. "Hey Andy, you should go alone, ill take a cab, I know your flight is soon since the meeting ran longer than expected" i say.

"No Zar, that's not fair i gave you a ride here, its only fair-" he starts.

"Nope, go, ill be fine, i actually have some friends here id like to catch up with." I smile at him.

"Okay love, ill miss you, leave me a text when youre home safe yeah?" he asks and i nod.

"Bye have a safe flight, say hi to Uncle Marty" i smile and he leans down and pecks my cheek then walks off.

I feel a hand tug my arm back sharply.

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