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My head is throbbing when i wake up, it seems as if someone literally hit me over the head multiple times. I groan a little then look around, sitting up in bed.

What? Where am i? Shit.

Last i remember i was with an attractive looking man at the bar. Is this his house? Oh no. I look down at my clothes. Shit. No. I didn't? I couldn't have.

All the thinking is making my head spin and soon, i feel bile rise up in my throat and i run to thats to the right of the bed.

After i wash up i return to the bed and before i know it, i pass out again.


Zara's dream

"No!" i shout as the dark shadow like person chokes the air out of my lungs and i gasp for air.

"Anhh, p-pllea ah"


I wake up to light shining in my face. I groan.

"Fucking hell" I sit up and look around, remembering the small girl in my bed i get up to go check on her. As i near the door, i heat peculiar sounds.

"Anhh, p-pllea ah" it sounds like shes struggling and gasping, for air? i quickly burst in and my eyebrows furrow at the sight.

Shes still asleep and is clutching her own throat as if trying to pry somone of. What the fuck.
I quickly rush to her calling her name.

"Zara wakeup" i try to take her hands in mine but shes struggling. "Wake up baby come on" i mumble shaking her.

Here eyes suddenly shoot open and she gasp louder as if still having trouble breathing. I watch as she sits up and coughs and wheezes struggling to catch her breath.

Her teary eyes look up at me with fear and she points to something behind me. I turn to see her little bag and rush to grab it for her. With trembling hands she opens her bag and gets out a small device.

An inhaler? She brings it to her mouth pumping twice, then a few more times. Her heavy breathing comes to a slow gradually.

Once shes breathing normally, her tear stricken face looks at me.

"Im so sorry" her voice breaks. I quickly shake my head.

"No need, what, what happened?" ive never been, i dont even know what that was i was feeling.

"I- I have asthma, obviously, and sometimes i have these, uh, dreams that someone is, chocking me" she shrugs. "What am i doing here?" she looks at me again with her bright green, teary eyes.

"Some bastardo drugged you" i tell her making her eyes widen. "you were high out of your mind and said there was danger at your place? so i took you here" i tell her. Her eyes widen.

"Your w-whole family is here?" she asks me.

"No, this is my penthouse in the city" i gesture to the skyline view. "Is someone trying to kill you?" i know insensitive but i need to know.

"N-no" she says. "I said that?" she asks making me nod. "No thats a long story back in England" she mumbles.

"Ok" ill be running a background check on her.

"Uh, im sorry you had to go through the trouble, ill get out of your hair" she says standing up. No i want her to stay.

"No its fine, we should have breakfast" i say. Im uncomfortable.

"Oh, um i can make something if that's ok" she looks up at me. Damn she's smaller without heels. I just nod. The fuck is up with me.

I watch her prance around my fancy ass kitchen that has never been used for anything but coffee or a sandwich Anna makes. Thats the maid.

Her long legs in my shirt look so hot. Fucking stop you pervert.

"Eggs are fine right?" she asks in a small voice, putting some eggs on a plate. I hum making her look at me for a second.

She brings the plates over to the island and i notice mine has much more than hers.

"Youre going to eat a kittens portion?" i ask her making her softly laugh.

"Im not very hungry, thankyou" she mumbles. I enjoy when she speaks because of her accent. Its pleasant.

After a while, i get done and she looks at that and quickly finishes hers.

"Thankyou for helping me, and im sorry to be a bother, let me just grab my things and ill be off"

"I can drive you-"

"Oh no, thankyou Mr. De'Marco, youve done so much, i appreciate it" she smiles and within 5 minutes, she's gone.

Im just her boss.


This book is really #2 in pinterest damn.

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