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Currently im trying to get dressed for a business dinner im attending with Christiano. Im inside my closet, silently freaking out. I still have an hour before i absolutely have to start getting ready.

Im really good with outfits usually but i just dont know whats up right now i cant even think straight. I decide to just call Tyler and talk to him to get my mind to ease up.

I face time him and it rings twice before he picks up.

"Zara you lil bitch i havent spoken to you in 80 days?" Tyler shrieks as soon as he picks up. I roll my eyes.

"Thats a bit dramatic Ty, dont you think? I didnt answer yesterday cuz i was super busy planning the ball you know that" i say to him, frowning. Why am i so tense right now.

"woah babe chill, are you okay there?" he asks now paying full attention.

"I," i sigh running a hand through my hair, pushing it back but it just falls back around my face. "I dont know. Things with Christiano are just so weird sometimes and i can never explain it- what i feel around him, when hes his usual dominating self, ugh"

"What happened, i need details love" Tyler asks. So i narrate yesterday's and today's event to him. "What the fuck, Zara you should complain about that fucker of a security guard if u felt uncomfortable" he fumes.

"No its fine its just my own trauma that makes me blow shit out of proportion i guess" i sigh.

"Theres nothing youre blowing out proportion lovey" Ty looks at me sadly with a frown. "Im sorry you had to go through that, im sorry it triggered suck horrible memories" he says softly. I nod.

"Im fine" i tell him looking at him seriously. "But say something about the Christiano issue" i whine.

"Babe, dont take this the wrong way, but you somewhat have daddy issues" i scoff. "You do! And authoritative men have this affect on you, they seem to make you kinda, well submit" he smirks a little.

"Submit? Is this one of your sexual innuendos Ty, what do you mean" i ask.

"Babe, hes clearly a dominant man, and around regular people, youre pretty solid and hold your ground but one look from a daddy vibe man and you always fold, thats your entire type Ra, dont tell me you haven't noticed it" he grins.

I frown at him. I know i have a type but this is different. "Tyler its different with him, something changes, he- he makes me back down and be scared i- what is that? how do you explain that" i say to him.

"Well maybe he's just more dominating than others yknow, like maybe hes like his brother? You told me that his brothers wife is the cutesy little sweet pea kind, maybe thats why hes more edgy" Tyler comes up with.

"Well in that case im not even close to being his type" i say. Soon we drift off to a new topic, him and this guy he met, Adrien, whos blond and super dreamy and he even said that he thinks it might get serious which doesnt happen for Ty alot so it was nice to hear.

"It wows me how much better you make me feel" i say to him and he grins.

"Yea im pretty awesome like that" he winks. "Dont worry your pretty little head about him anymore Ra, if hes attracted to you, hes gonna have to grow a pair and ask you out, you should just go on being the sexy little minx you are" he says and i laugh.

We say our goodbyes and i sit there and take a relieved breath. I feel much better.

Im still not clear on what I wanna wear so I walk to the bathroom and start with my makeup. I do a sharp wing with half lashes and a nude pink lip cuz this look goes with everything.

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