Chapter 72

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"Are you really okay? You looked a little out of it during dinner and your eyes are red," Henry asked, sitting on Mason's bed looking over at the red head hugging his pillow curling up against his head board. They had managed to sneak away from the party while Ajax and Milly were showing Jayden and Hannah out, much to Nicholas and Hunter's irritation but there wasn't much they could do once they'd stepped into Mason's "territory" though Nicholas did try to sneak in. Henry clipped that in the bud quickly, glaring at both young alpha's when they tried to coax the boys out of the bedroom. "We might be your mates but we have our own lives too! Let me console my best friend before we keep ourselves from you for a whole week!" Henry had snapped, shoving Nicholas away when he tried to slip past, and slammed the door in both of their faces.

"Brutal," Mason had thought with a giggle wondering how his mate was going to pay him back for it later. That big hickey on his neck was clearly a small punishment from their episode outside so what would Hunter do this time? "I'm fine just... Nicholas was being an idiot and it brought back some memories I don't like to think about," Mason thought, hugging his pillow tighter squeezing it with his arms. "He wanted to hunt down those hunters, the same guys who kidnapped us, and I just..." Mason wasn't sure what he was thinking but he knew he had felt incredibly worried about Nicholas. "Why would he even do that? What was the point? What could he do on his own?" Mason thought, feeling his nerves getting the best of him as he started to tremble when Henry moved next to him for a big hug. "W-wait! Hunter won't like-"

"I don't care about this werewolf nonsense right now! Besides he'll erase the scent later so that'll be his problem," Henry said, rubbing Mason's back comfortingly. "What do you mean he went to hunt those hunters? What if they took him out instead?" Henry asked as he pulled back and that seemed to break the dam in Mason's mind.

"I know!" Mason cried out, startling Henry who jumped so badly he fell off the bed with a yelp. "How could he try to track them down? They hunt werewolves for a living! I know for a fact Christopher Vale has taken down exactly six alpha's in his hunting career. He told me himself for crying out loud! What was he planning to do, go one-on-one with one of them and ask them to leave if he won? He can't take them all at once!" Mason ranted, throwing his pillow across the room which smacked into the side of his dresser before flopping on the ground. Henry watched him carefully, peeking over the edge of the bed, and he watched Mason continue to vent his feelings out for a good hour before he finally calmed down enough to lower his voice but he was still pretty pissed. "I'm going to kill him," Mason hissed, enraged, when Henry reached up and gently bonked him on the head with his fist like shutting off an alarm clock. "Ow," Mason said, frowning, and flopped down onto his mattress.

"You okay now?" Henry asked with a small smile, chuckling as he watched Mason deflate and climbed back up onto the bed sitting at his friend's side as he calmed down.

"Yeah, I guess," Mason grumbled, curling around Henry's legs hugging Henry to his body wrapping his arms around one of Henry's thighs nuzzling his knee. "I missed talking with you," Mason whimpered.

"It's only been a day," Henry said with a laugh but he used this chance to run his hands through Mason's hair. "So soft!"

"What if Nicholas had really found them? Though most likely they would have found him first if they didn't already. He could have been seriously hurt or... Well..." Mason said, squeezing Henry's leg and he could feel himself wanting to cry again.

"Well, I can't entirely blame him though he was being a moron about it. You have every right to be upset with him," Henry said with a scoff. "I'll kick his butt for you if you want. Just say the word."

"What do you mean he's not entirely to blame?" Mason asked quickly, sitting up looking confused.

"You two are mates now remember? We've both seen how Ajax is with Milly and how they've been with you. He probably wanted to get some kind of revenge against them for what they did to you. I've been a little scared to tell Hunter about it myself cause... well, he'd probably do the same thing and I don't want him to do that. Nicholas already knew that because he's the one who found you first in that pet shop so you'll have to keep an eye on him. That's all you really can do I guess," Henry said with a shrug.

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