Chapter 91

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"Goodbye Mason and Koda! I can't wait to see you both at our next check up!" Dr. Bee called with a bright smile, waving his arm in the air over his head as he watched Nicholas and Mason walk away from the hospital. "Why can't Koda just come to play for the afternoon? I wouldn't mind!" Dr. Bee called after, Nicholas rolling his eyes as Mason waved over his shoulder laughing nervously. "Please! Give me back my baby!" Dr. Bee practically cried out, collpasing down onto his hands and knees.

"Such a drama queen," Nicholas muttered, wrapping an arm around Mason's shoulders who couldn't help but laugh.

"You sure you don't want to stay with Roxanne? I could just walk home, I don't mind," Mason asked, glancing back to see the nurses consoling Dr. Bee who was still on his hands and knees moping about his "Koda withdrawls".

"Morgana did a really good job allowing me into the same space as Roxanne but I don't want to risk setting her off. Knowing Roxanne, she just needs some time to cool down and then she'll be alright for the most part. We'll have to figure out how to find her other children with Alpha Lumire if we can," Nicholas said with a long sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I wasn't sure if it's okay to ask this but..." Mason looked nervous, fidgetting with his fingers but Nicholas prompted him to go on. "Where did that alpha send his children? I know alpha's like to travel outside their pack looking for their mate when they come of age but where would he send his children? Isn't it safer to keep them at home with the pack?" Mason asked, looking up at Nicholas curiously.

"Well," Nicholas drawled, glancing away. "The thing is, alpha's are a lot different than other werewolves," Nicholas said with a shrug.

"Yeah. You're wolf form is really big compared to everyone else and you're meant to lead an entire pack," Mason said, Nicholas letting out a snort.

"Everyone seems really big compared to you," Nicholas said, laughing into his hand making Mason glare up at him. Koda growled, annoyed, and started barking demanding Mason kick him in the shins. "Yes, physically we are different from others and we are natural born leaders but that's not what I meant. Werewolf children have a hard time controlling the shift between human and werewolf so it's best they stay homeschooled until fourth grade at least or go to a werewolf only school within their own pack until they can control the shift. Young alpha's, on the other hand, have a much harder time controlling the shift because their wolf is very dominate. It wants to be in command and we wrestle over who gets to control our body, what form we're in, and everything until we reach peace with one another which is why we are taught by our parents but an alpha already has a lot on their plate and there are times of crisis where they can't give time to helping their children. It sucks but it's the truth which is why there's a camp to send young alpha's learning how to achieve peace with our other half. There are very wise alpha's who've retired, turning their pack over to their descendants, who take the time to help guide us. They're also the only one's who can stop us if we lose control and go on a rampage," Nicholas said, Mason listening intently making Nicholas fidget a little.

"That's good. I'm glad they have a lot of support," Mason said with a smile, Nicholas glancing down with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Did you go to camp?"

"No, both mom and dad were there to help me through it. They took turns leading the pack while the other looked after me during my training," Nicholas said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"Wow!" Mason said, beaming up at Nicholas who blushed a little under his gaze. Nicholas could practically see the stars shinning in the red heads eyes. "Will you really be able to find Roxanne's kids?" Mason asked, Nicholas letting out a long sigh.

"Honestly? I'm not sure if we can but we'll try. It'll be up to Alpha Lumiere since I can't go there myself but it might already be too late. The alpha wouldn't just send his children to any random camp. He might have an insider who would try to sneak them out for him or he could overwhelm the camp with his pack. There's too much to consider and we don't have a lot of information," Nicholas mumbled as they walked, the house coming into view.

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