Chapter 64

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"Red velvet was an excellent flavor choice," Mason mumbled around his fork, quietly squealing with the sweet taste of the icing cream and the soft texture of the cake.

"I could eat this everyday," Henry said, licking his fingers. He'd abandoned his fork and just picked the cake slice up with his hand biting into one of the corners working his way in until there was nothing left but icing making his hands sticky.

"I don't normally like red velvet, more of a dark chocolate person myself, but the baby does agree. It's delicious!" Roxanne said with a giggle, dusting crumbs off her stomach and the three of them watched Stephanie open her presents.

There were thrones for every birthday, the twins having a conjoined throne, for opening presents. Nicholas and Hunter had dark almost medieval thrones, the twins were very pink and yellow with blue bows, and Stephanie had made sure to give herself a royal golden colored throne. Of course she'd wanted a true golden throne but there weren't any on such short notice. As for Mason and Henry, they both got fancy carved wooden seats with wolf engravings around the headrest and the legs of the chairs. They had exactly a dozen presents, each, and opened them with only the alpha's and luna's as their audience. Everyone else was focused on the others and the boys didn't mind all that much. Still felt kind of guilty, like they were butting in where they shouldn't, so they happily slipped away once they'd packed their presents into Ajax's car before grabbing cake for themselves and Roxanne who was sitting alone at the honorary birthday table deciding to keep her company while Nicholas, Hunter, Stephanie, and the twins continued opening their mountain of presents that were practically spilling over the table pilling up on the ground. It had already been ten minutes and the mountains hadn't gotten any smaller.

"When are you due exactly? If you don't mind my asking, of course," Henry asked, eyeing Roxanne's belly who smiled down at it with nothing but love in her expression.

"Any day now, actually. I'm three days late according to Dr. Bee so whenever the baby is ready to come, it will come. I'm not looking forward to the pain cause, well, ow! But I'm still pretty excited about it," Roxanne said, the crowd clapping as Nicholas opened yet another present who actually seemed pleased by it. It was a large volume book, the Sherlock Holmes series. "Remind me to steal that from him later," Roxanne muttered under her breath, the boys saluting her.

"I wonder what having kids of my own would be like," Mason said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair and put his hands on his own stomach with an almost longing look on his face. He gave it a little rub, mostly to settle it after eating so much, when he noticed the funny look on Henry and Roxanne's face as they stared at his hands. "What?" Mason asked, confused as he looked from right to left at them both.

"When you imagine having kids, you imagine carrying them yourself?" Roxanne asked and seemed genuinely curious, a small smile on her face and a suggestive eye wiggle.

Henry looked a little weirded out and was suddenly eyeing his own stomach like it might suddenly get some funny ideas he needed to watch out for. "I know either sex of werewolf can conceive but it still sounds weird in my head," Henry admitted though he didn't seem absolutely revolted by the idea.

"Well, most omegas are very recessive by nature. We're fairly weak, don't have a lot of strength, and we usually get mated to betas or other omegas. Rarely with alphas! So, as an omega, I don't really see myself as the type to take charge in a relationship if I ever find my mate. So, yeah, I could see myself carrying my kid," Mason said with a blush, giggling a little when he saw Henry giving him a long stare.

"Since when do you know so much about werewolf stuff? Despite being one, you weren't taught much but now you're suddenly mister know it all. Spill it! You've been studying behind my back without me," Henry said, jabbing Mason in the ribs who looked away with a smile on his lips.

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