Chapter 17

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Ajax stepped into a small circle, a similar one across from him with a larger circle in the middle that could fit a whole car. Milly stepped into the other and both alpha and luna admired one another with fond smiles on their faces as they gazed into one another's eyes. Ajax had a robe around his waist, like Mason, with his red paint like roots cutting through his body up to his red glowing eyes as he stood tall and proud before the entire pack that stood around the circle waiting patiently. Milly had her robe around her waist too and was wearing a plain white tube top over her breasts, her belly bare before all, with silver paint swirling like calming waves around her skin up to her bright blue eyes that glowed back at Ajax who smiled down at his mate.

"You look really sexy in that outfit," Ajax said with a grin, Milly pinking lightly as she smiled back at him giving him an appreciative gaze.

"Not so bad yourself," Milly purred, carefully rubbing her belly so as not to rub the paint.

"Stop flirting and get on with it!" someone yelled from the crowd, everyone laughing and chuckling around their leaders who stuck their tongues out at the speaker before everyone got serious as the alpha's eyes glowed even brighter with their red glow shining down on the large circle before him.

"We stand here today with fresh new blood to add to our pack, to join with this wolf who wishes to join us. To live with us, to stand by us, to protect us with his very being, and to be here for the pack in good times and in bad," Ajax said, his voice loud and resonating through the room which had the beta's and the omega's standing at attention and listening to every word he said like their life depended on it.

"The Moon Goddess shows us good fortune and care, who watches over us all as her children. Now she has guided this boy to us and he is to become our family from here on out. To uphold our laws, to watch over those who need his help, and stand by us for as long as he shall live. Let us welcome our new brother, Mason, to the floor," Milly said her a calm but firm tone, spreading her arms as if to welcome someone before they all turned and looked toward the storage room.

Out the doors came Mason, decked out in blue paint with his robe around his waist. Mason took in a deep breath, two beta warriors leading him to the edge of the circle, and found himself between the alpha and luna who beamed proudly at him which made the butterflies in Mason's stomach multiply but he steeled himself. Mason carefully bowed, willing himself not to wobble or fall forward despite his nerves feeling beyond shot, before rising and looking Ajax in the eye who inclined his head to him. Then Mason turned and bowed to Milly who beamed giddily at him, bouncing in place a little, before inclining her head to the boy when he stood up again.

"To be of the pack, you must give all of yourself to it. You body, your mind, and your wolf. First, we must connect with the human mind and body. Mason, please lay yourself flat lying horizontal to myself and my luna," Ajax instructed, gesturing for Mason to lie down. Mason carefully did, holding the robe closed and carefully wrapped it around his legs before lying flat on the ground between Ajax and Milly who raised their hands like they could join hands despite being so far away. "Calm your body, you mind, and give yourself to the pack," Ajax ordered, the red glow of his eyes washing over Mason who shuddered with the force of it but found himself going completely limp. Even his mind went blank and Mason could feel it, something tugging on the edges from either side of his head it felt like. "Let us in. Let us all in," Ajax said gently, his voice sounding far away.

Mason's eyes slowly closed and it felt like his being was floating on a still body of water, vast and spacious as it always had been. Mason couldn't even remember the last time the waters had rippled or had been disturbed in any manner but now he could feel it. The large ripple getting bigger as it moved farther out from it's source. Mason's body shifted, startled who felt a gasp rip through his body, and could feel the large presence wadding closer to his being. There was a second one on the other side of him, though this one didn't feel as intimidating as the first, and could feel them slowly getting closer to him. If the first being was like a predator, a shark cutting through the water who could snap out at any second, the first was like a calm creature just idlily gliding through the water, like a beautiful mermaid coming to see him that could either help him through the water or bring his doom if she wished.

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