Chapter 36

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"Should I call someone from the pack to come get me? Just wait for Henry to come back? What do I do?" Mason panicked, looking around him, but forced himself to calm down for a moment and think. "Um... Ajax?" Mason called through the pack link, feeling an excited buzz from using the pack link for the first time outside the territory. It reminded him that he was, in fact, in a pack now which made him smile a little with his little tail wagging as he waited for a response.

"Sorry Mason, I can't talk right now. Milly and I are talking with Roxanne," Ajax said hurriedly before the pack link went silent and Mason was left staring ahead of him blankly.

"Oh... my bad," Mason thought with a sigh and looked around him, making sure no humans could see him before grabbing onto his clothes and pulling them near the trees around him hoping they would stay hidden before he could get them back. "Who else do I know who I can call?" Mason thought, trying to think, but the only one who came to mind was Nicholas and... "Rory!" Mason called out suddenly, remembering the young man he had met a few days ago when Nicholas had appeared. That day when they all had to pledge themselves to the young alpha was... interesting, to say the least, with Rory and the other omega's siding with him which had surprised Mason a little. "We're all the omega's still refusing to give Nicholas their loyalty?" Mason suddenly wondered, thinking he should get out of the house more often to meet with more of the pack and get to know them.

"Mason? It's been a while!" Rory said through the link, sounding delighted to hear Mason's voice who couldn't help but yip in excitement. "What's up, my dude?"

"Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you lately. It's been a little chaotic at the pack house, what with all the excitement around here as of late. What are you doing right now?" Mason asked, sitting by his clothes peering out to the street where he could see cars going this way and that.

"My mother and father took me out of town to see my sister in a nearby pack where she and her mate are having a baby shower. Why?" Rory asked which had Mason whimpering to himself but he was still happy to be talking to Rory like this making his tail wag.

"How far along is your sister?" Mason asked, noticing an expensive looking car pulling into the school parking lot with a young man who looked hung over as he stepped out.

"A little less then the luna currently but she's carrying twins so she's bigger," Rory told him while Mason carefully followed behind the young teen as he stumbled a little toward the school doors grumbling about having too many drinks last night.

"Wow! I can't imagine having twins," Mason said as he came up behind the teen, watching his feet carefully so as not to get stepped on, and quickly scrambled inside when he opened the door.

"Hey! There's no dogs in here!" the boy called, wincing in pain as he raised his own voice, while raced away so as not to get caught.

"I know. I'm hoping my mate is a girl cause I'm pretty sure I'm not gay and I don't like the idea of getting pregnant, if I'm being honest with. There's nothing wrong with it, guys giving birth, but I just don't see that for myself," Rory said and sounded a little disturbed while Mason was making his way down the school halls, sniffing around trying to track Henry down but there were a lot of smells. Especially the smell of cleaning products from the floor which smelled like bleach and battery acid which almost made Mason gag a few times. "What are you doing?"

"Currently? I accidentally shifted near the human school and I'm trying to find Henry so he can help me get my clothes and shift back without human eyes seeing me, if you know what I mean. Don't need to reveal myself to another one again," Mason said and laughed a little again but the thought made him shake all over. The first time? Okay, happy accident, it was brushed off. Who said there'd be a second time?

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